State Employees'
Charitable Campaign (SECC)

Steps to Successful Solicitation

Introduce yourself.

Make a positive, friendly introduction.

Check your co-worker’s awareness of SECC supported services and explain more about the approved charities.

Give co-workers reasons to support SECC.

Refer them to the SECC website to gain more information.

Show co-workers how their donations can make a difference.

Explain to co-workers that they can designate their contribution(s) to their charity of choice.

Answer questions.

Ask for a pledge but do not put pressure on them.

Encourage them to give through e-pledge

Ask each employee to fill out a pledge card even if they are not donating this year.

Say thanks.

Take the time to personally thank each person who has contributed.

Remind everyone that his/her pledge will make a difference.

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