State Employees'
Charitable Campaign (SECC)

2024 Charities

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Description: A Better Chance for Our Children’s mission is to provide training and support to families who are adopting children in the State of Delaware. Our Services Include: Resource Family Preparation Training Groups, Respite for adoptive families, Specialized parenting education classes and support groups, and Ongoing support for any family touched by adoption.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$125 Provides a day of respite for a child

$500 Provides Training for a prospective family

$1,500 Helps complete a Family Profile

Charity Type: Children        


Description: A Door of Hope Pregnancy Center offers free limited obstetrical ultrasound, free pregnancy tests, options counseling, a parenting education program and material support to families in Wilmington and Middletown.  We benefit the health and welfare of residents in Delaware by providing free pregnancy services, parenting education and free material items such as car seats, pack-and-plays, strollers, diapers, wipes, clothing and other infant supplies.  Our services meet the criteria outlined in sections VIII and X of Executive Order 22. 

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 provides bus passes for clients

$75 provides a brand new car seat

$100 provides a Welcome Baby Basket

$200 provides a car seat and stroller combo

$1000 provides 6-months of Prenatal and Parenting Education

Charity Type: Children, Community, Education, Support for Women and Infants     


Description: The Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter provides vital care and support for families impacted by Alzheimer’s and other dementias throughout Delaware. Our free 24/7 Helpline 800.272.3900 is available around the clock, 365 days a year,

The Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter provides vital care and support for families impacted by Alzheimer’s and other dementias throughout Delaware. Our free 24/7 Helpline 800.272.3900 is available around the clock, 365 days a year, with bilingual staff and translation services for more than 200 languages. Through this service, specialists and master’s-level clinicians offer confidential support and information, education, decision-making support, crisis assistance and resource identification to people living with the disease, caregivers, families and the public. The Association offers free education programs and support groups and recorded webinars at, including recording in Spanish. Our website,, includes sections specifically for people living with the disease ( and caregivers ( Community Resource Finder ( is a resource database with comprehensive lists of resources, services, and community programs.

Individuals are able to search by category and proximity for specific needs and preferences. Alzconnected ( is the Association’s very active online community for caregivers and people living with dementia. Caregivers can browse the forums and in these ways can learn directly from other caregivers.

with bilingual staff and translation services for more than 200 languages. Through this service, specialists and master’s-level clinicians offer confidential support and information, education, decision-making support, crisis assistance and resource identification to people living with the disease, caregivers, families and the public. The Association offers free education programs and support groups and recorded webinars at, including recording in Spanish. Our website,, includes sections specifically for people living with the disease ( and caregivers ( Community Resource Finder ( is a resource database with comprehensive lists of resources, services, and community programs.  Individuals are able to search by category and proximity for specific needs and preferences.   Alzconnected ( is the Association’s very active online community for caregivers and people living with dementia. Caregivers can browse the forums and in these ways can learn directly from other caregivers.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

State employee contributions help fund care and support activities for individuals and their loved ones impacted by dementia. Your donation will help the Association provide vital programs and services to Delaware’s Alzheimer’s and dementia community, including for example, Community education programs; Caregiver support groups; Access to 24/7 Helpline 800.272.3900; Access to online resources and Training new program volunteers.

Charity Type: Community, Education, Employment & Training Resources, Health, Military & Their Families, Senior Services, Veteran Services       


Description:  While most people know us for our research, we do so much more. We attack cancer from every angle. We promote healthy lifestyles to help you prevent cancer. We research cancer and its causes to find more answers and better treatments. We fight for lifesaving policy changes. We provide everything from emotional support to the latest cancer information for those who have been touched by cancer. And we do it all 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 


24/7 cancer helpline support via live chat on or by calling 1-800-227-2345

Hope Lodge- free home away from home for cancer patients and their caregivers

Educational materials about cancer

Free rides to treatment through Road to Recovery

Reach to Recovery program connects breast cancer patients with trained volunteers for support

Charity Type: Education, Health, Social Services      


Description: The American Lung Association is the leading organization working to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease through education, advocacy and research.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$50 – Helps 1 student stop vaping

$50 – Provides Lung HelpLine phone support for 1 lung cancer patient

$60 – Helps fund an hour of lifesaving research.

$75 – Educates 1 homeowner about radon testing to prevent lung cancer

$250 – Promotes awareness of lifesaving vaccines reaching 90,000 people

Charity Type:Children, Community, Disability Services, Education, Environment, Health, Senior Services, Social Services, Veteran Services


Description: The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies such as home fires, floods, and other disasters by providing immediate assistance such as shelter, food, and comfort.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$2 provides one snack

$2.50 provides one comfort kit

$5 provides one blanket

$7.25 provides one Red Cross bag filled with comfort items for a wounded service member or veteran at a hospital.  These bags typically contain items such as a washcloth, shampoo, soap, comb, and other necessary comfort items.

$10 provides a hot meal and additional snacks to one person

$26 covers the cost of providing emergency communications and critical community services to one military family

Charity Type: Community, Health, Military & Their Families, Veteran Services     


Description: The Andrew McDonough B+ (Be Positive) Foundation is the largest childhood cancer charity in Delaware. The B+ Foundation provides financial assistance to families of kids with cancer as well as funding cutting-edge, childhood cancer research.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$10/month could help a family with a child with cancer keep the power on in their home

$25/month could help a family with a child with cancer purchase much-needed medicine that insurance won’t cover

$50/month could help a family with a child with cancer stave off eviction while their little boy or girl is fighting a life or death battle

Charity Type: Children, Community, Disability Services, Health, Homelessness, Military & Their Families, Social Services      


Description: The Arc of Delaware promotes and protects the human rights of Delawareans with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

$15 can enable an adult with IDD to attend a dance and interact socially once a month for a full year

$75 can support case management for 1 family

$200 can support systems navigation for 5 families

$1000 can support 2 social and recreational activities

Charity Type: Community, Disability Services, Education, Employment & Training Resources, Health, Social Services    


Description: The ARK will increase efforts to meet the needs of the community by offering one-on-one tutoring services throughout the year. Beginning July 5, 2002, we began a summer reading and math program to provide additional support to learning, achievement and retention. A study by American Education Research (2020), showed that 52% of students lose an average of 39% of their total high school year gains during the summer months.

Studies also show that 1 out of 7 high-school dropouts end up in the prison system. The primary mission of The ARK Educational Resource Center is to increase the graduation rate, and thereby, significantly reduce the drop-out rate. Studies show that 80% of prisoners are high-school dropouts. This population is subject to higher unemployment rates, poorer health, criminal history, incarceration, public assistance and so on. The quality of life is negatively compromised and these individuals become burdens on the state’s economy that requires rehabilitation, job training, etc.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

A $100 dollar donation would provide tutor services for a child for a month.

The ARK serves all of Sussex County but is located in Laurel, DE – the poorest town in the county. Therefore, our palmary stakeholders are from the Laurel area and are a vulnerable population. These stakeholders are traditionally low-income, single parents who cannot afford to pay for tutor services. The ARK uses a sliding scale fee for those who are employed; however, 99% of the parents that we serve do not pay and cannot afford the $100 per month fee for service. We accept everyone who applies to our program and have done so since we opened in 2013. Donations made to our programs would help us provide food snacks, school supplies, and the fees that parents cannot pay due to poverty level income.

Charity Type: Children, Community, Education, Health, Youth Development     


Description: For more than 11 years, the mission of attack addiction has been to raise awareness about the disease of addiction.  Our almost solely grassroots group of volunteers – we have one full time employee – do this through education communities, assisting families in their quest for services and information, and supporting those in recovery through events and public chapter meetings across the state, our four recovery homes, our new resource center in Peoples Plaza, and by advocating with elected leaders, government officials, fellow nonprofits and the general public for policy and societal changes that will reduce the stigma associated with substance abuse disorder, and ultimately save the next life.  We have initiated and seen enacted several pieces of legislation, including a bill creating the 911/Good Samaritan Law involving who have overdosed, and the Opioid Impact Fee Fund.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$75 can provide one night in emergency housing for individual in need while awaiting assistance

$25 can provide socks and a hat for a homeless person in need

$1,000 can provide a bed and utilities for 5 months for an individual at one or our recovery houses

Charity Type: Community, Health, Homelessness, Social Services, Behavioral Health      


Description: Founded in 1998, Autism Delaware consists of individuals with autism, their families and friends, and professionals who work in the autism field.  Our mission is to help individuals and families in Delaware affected by autism. We educate, advocate, and raise public awareness to promote lifelong opportunities and acceptance in the community for people with autism. Contributions support services including:

  • Early Childhood Intervention and Resource Services for Newly Diagnosed Families.
  • Family Support: parent mentoring, coffee hours, social groups, and support groups.
  • Advocacy at both state and local levels.
  • Access to critical information via social media, newsletters, and our website.
  • Social and recreational activities: Beach Picnic, Blue Rocks Night, Halloween and Bunny Train Rides, sensory-friendly bowling, community parties.
  • Adult Services: Autism Delaware’s nationally recognized community-based adult vocational program and our supportive living residential program.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$10 can provide a social/recreational opportunity for an individual with autism

Charity Type: Disability Services, Employment & Training Resources        

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Description: In 1916, Drs. James and Richard Beebe realized a need to bring modern medicine to rural Sussex County, DE. Some 106 years later, the 3-bed hospital the brothers built in the coastal city of Lewis 1916, Drs. James and Richard Beebe realized a need to bring modern medicine to rural Sussex County, DE. Some 106 years later, the 3-bed hospital the brothers built in the coastal city of Lewes is now a 210-bed medical facility, and Beebe Healthcare is the premiere, not-for-profit community healthcare system in southern Delaware. Today, Beebe employs over 3,000 Delawareans across a footprint that includes three health campuses, two fully accredited Cancer Centers, two Emergency Departments, the only School of Nursing diploma program in Delaware, and a new, state-of-the-art Specialty Surgical Hospital. There are 46 Beebe-affiliated primary care, and specialty offices and clinics that provide comprehensive inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services in the arenas of medical-surgical, obstetrics, pediatrics, oncology, and critical-care medicine. Beebe’s diagnostic imaging and physical rehabilitation facilities, walk-in centers and three high school-based wellness centers are firmly rooted in the southern Delaware landscape.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

We know it is never a “good time” for a health crisis, but it is always reassuring to know that a competent, caring team is ready and able to help you. As the largest employer in Sussex County, DE, many of our team members are likely your neighbors, friends, or even your family members. Team Beebe provides patient-centered care for you and your loved ones at multiple locations throughout southern Delaware. Whether you need a fast visit to get better quickly, see your family doctor for a comprehensive regular checkup, have an illness or injury that just can’t wait, or any other health challenge life throws at you, Beebe Healthcare has the care you need, the expertise you want, and a location close to home. Because of loyal, generous support from individuals, businesses and foundations, Beebe Healthcare remains an independent, non-profit community health system with a vision of making it the health system of choice for all people in Sussex County, and a charitable mission to encourage healthy living, prevent illness, and restore optimal health to the people who live in, work in, and visit the communities it serves.

Charity Type: Health         


Description: Believe In Tomorrow helps children with cancer and other critical illnesses to relax and reconnect with their families in one of six beautiful beach or mountain respite facilities, including one on the coastal shore of southern Delaware.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 per pay period will provide three meals a day for a critically ill child and their family who stay at a Believe In Tomorrow beach or mountain getaway.

Charity Type: Children, Health, Military & Their Families      


Description: Evidence-based mentoring is what makes Big Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware (BBBSDE) different from all other organizations. Our mission is to create and support mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Our vision is for all of Delaware’s youth to achieve their full potential.

Since 1964, with locations in each county, BBBSDE has provided caring adult mentors (“Bigs”) for at-risk youth (“Littles”). Adult volunteers are vetted, specially trained and matched with children based on common interests and the child’s specific needs. Volunteers serve as friends, mentors and role models, helping children (primarily from single-parent homes) gain greater self-confidence. These Bigs encourage their Littles to see themselves positively and realize their potential for a happy and successful future.

Each Big Brother Big Sister relationship is carefully administered and supported by rigorous standards and trained personnel. BBBSDE staff strive for mentor matches that are not only safe and suited to the child’s needs, but also harmonious and built to last. That’s why we take such care in selecting volunteers, orienting them and matching them with children. Beyond finding the perfect mentor for each child, BBBSDE staff provide ongoing support and supervision to the Big, Little and the Little’s family.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 can provide one child with Social Emotional Learning workshops for a week

$50 can provide one child with Career Exploration (workforce training) for a month

$75 can provide a group of 10 youth with group mentoring for a month

$100 can provide summer programming for a child/youth for a week

Charity Type: Children, Youth Development      


Description: Blood Bank of Delmarva is a non-profit community service organization that provides blood and blood products to 19 hospitals on the Delmarva Peninsula. More than 79,000 blood donations are needed in this area each year for about 20,000 patients across the Delmarva Peninsula. Blood Bank of Delmarva’s mission is to serve our community by meeting the needs of patients, hospitals, and donors for safe, high-quality blood products and related services.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

Give to Programs Blood Bank of Delmarva Annual Fund – Blood Bank of Delmarva works to save and sustain lives by providing blood products and hospital services to nearly 19 hospitals and over 1.5 million individuals in Delaware; Cecil County, Maryland; and on Maryland and Virginia ‘s Eastern Shore. 

To deliver what matters most to our generous blood donors, blood drive sponsors, hospital and clinic partners, and others throughout the healthcare industry, everyday life saving operation funding is needed. Financial gifts support BBD in providing more than 79,000 blood donations annually to treat 20,000 patients. With the entire foundation of blood donation changing, BBD takes on increased expenditures related to operating our four collection centers, as well as expanding the donor recruitment and collection efforts.

Charity Type: Community, Health        


Description: The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. The programs of the Boy Scouts of America are delivered at nearly 300 chartered partners throughout Delaware.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

A $250 contribution represents the “fair share” contribution necessary for council operations to support a Scout for an entire year of program offerings.

Charity Type: Children, Community, Economic Development, Education, Environment, Health, Youth Development, Character Development  


Description: The Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware offers affordable before, after and out of school programs for 30,000+ young people in grades K-12 at over 40 locations across Delaware. We prepare Delaware youth for future success by engaging them in a variety of activities in the areas of health and fitness; character and leadership development; college and career readiness; and arts and culture. 55% of the youth we serve live at or below the poverty line.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$15 covers the annual membership for one teen

$75 provides field trips for 2 campers

$150 will send a child to camp for a week

$500 provides a child healthy, after-school meals for one year

$1,000 provides affordable childcare for a family in need

Charity Type: Arts & Culture, Children, Education, Health, Youth Development   


Description: The Brain Injury Association of Delaware is the state’s leading nonprofit organization supporting people with brain injury. BIADE provides support groups, both in person and virtual for survivors, their families, and caregivers. Ongoing education is available at no cost through our Educate Delaware Webinar Series. A professional library and up to date resource directory is provided to brain injury survivors and their families. Currently BIADE is developing a program for families and caregivers of people coming through in-patient trauma and rehabilitation hospitals throughout Delaware. The Brain Injury Buddy Program will increase awareness about acquired brain injury and let people know there is hope and help available after brain injury.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

Employee contributions will be used to support training for caregivers, continuing education, and access to professional resources for brain injury survivors and their families.

Charity Type: Community, Disability Services, Health       


Description: We enhance the community by addressing the basic human needs of wellness, belongingness and esteem. Our signature programs include the Brandywine Senior Center, Claymont Food Closet, Empowered Youth, Learning Center and ESOL. The Center is also home to 18 nonprofit and other organizations serving the community.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

State employee contributes support the following program initiatives:

To offer After-School and Summer Camp to the community at no cost.

To increase the number of families and individuals fed through the Food Closet.

To increase Community Resource education programs and courses at no charge.

To add classes, programs and courses to the Senior Center.

Charity Type: Community, Youth Development, Food Closet  


Description: BVSPCA is proud to have cared for 17,497 animals in 2022, with a 95% live release rate.  In 2022 our Veterinary Team performed 23,567 Spay/Neuter Surgeries and 15,728 Pet Exams. Proudly offering high-quality affordable care for family pets and providing free vaccinations to 3,097 family pets in need in 2022.

Keeping pets with their families is of the utmost importance to us. Some of the services we provide are; behavior counseling, free shot clinics, pet food pantries, housing for pets of domestic violence victims and providing food to the pets of homebound residence of Delaware; including Senior and Disabled individuals.

We continue to engage our community with fun, educational programs for kids and our pet therapy programs. The impact on the lives touched through this therapy program is immeasurable. BVSPCA currently employ just over 100 Delaware Residents.

BVSPCA is the largest animal welfare organization in Delaware, the only no-kill open admission shelter, providing state-wide care and has led Delaware to achieve no-kill lifesaving rates for the 6th year in a row.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 feeds two orphaned animals for 30 days

$50 provides vaccinations and flea treatments for four dogs

$75 vaccinates four cats for feline leukemia

$100 helps control pet overpopulation by neutering two cats

$250 controls the pet overpopulation by spaying two dogs

$500 covers the cost to help find 2 dogs or cats a new home

Charity Type: Animals, Children, Community, Education, Homelessness, Senior Services, Veteran Services    

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Description: Camp Barnes provides Delaware’s children between the ages of 10-13 with camping, recreational and educational activities at no cost to the individual to combat juvenile delinquency with an introduction to the law enforcement community.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$300 per week to allow one camper to attend Camp Barnes from Monday through Friday with three full meals per day

Charity Type: Arts & Culture, Children, Community, Law Enforcement & Their Families, Youth Development, Summer Camp


Description: Cancer Care Connection is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in Delaware in 2000 and is the only agency of its kind in Delaware. We provide community-based oncology social work and psychosocial care by phone at no charge to Delawareans affected by cancer. We also provide face-to-face and virtual counseling services at cancer center partner locations; 3rd party reimbursed tele-counseling and private pay tele-counseling on a sliding scale basis. Our experienced staff of master’s level clinical social workers have provided outstanding psychosocial care to cancer patients and those who support them without interruption for over 22 years. Using a combination of social work practices, professional coaching, coping assistance, personalized information and resource connections, our unique service delivery model provides Delawareans with access to complex oncology-specific problem-solving assistance for psychosocial issues, as well as practical day-to-day solutions for successfully traversing a cancer experience. We help individuals affected by cancer to maintain control, make informed decisions, solve the day-to-day challenges that arise and reduce cancer-related distress. As a result, the patient has an increased capacity to adhere to medical advice, implement actions that improve their health and personal outcomes and maintain quality of life. Cancer Care Connection’s service is available to anyone affected by cancer, whether they are a patient, caregiver, family member or other member of the patient’s caring circle.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Thanks to the steadfast support of the SECC, Cancer Care Connection uniquely provides Delawareans affected by cancer with one place to call for expert tactical guidance while gaining tools for coping with the darkest of moments, all wrapped in compassion, empathy, and true understanding. Cancer Care Connection’s sole purpose is providing cancer patients and caregivers the tactical guidance, practical resources, and critical coping assistance they need to successfully navigate their cancer journey. Every contribution directly supports patients and caregivers, helping us to fulfill our purpose. No other organization in Delaware provides all-encompassing, oncology-specific psychosocial care that includes pragmatic and therapeutic benefits in the community setting. Not only do we directly provide care to ease the cancer journeys of Delawareans, but we are also a bridge to the other organizations in Delaware who support those who have been touched by cancer.

Charity Type: Health        


Description: Cancer Support Community Delaware has spent the past 27 years making our mission our tradition, by striving to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community. As a statewide nonprofit organization our support groups and programs are professionally led and are provided at no cost to help participants and caregivers cope with the emotional and life changing aspects of cancer.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

All services are funded by donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations. All money raised stays in Delaware, and 81 % of every dollar donated goes towards our supporting our programming. We offer support groups, mind/body stress reduction and educational workshops all at no cost to the cancer patients, caregivers and families in Delaware.

Charity Type: Community, Health, Social Services      


Description: Caring Hearts Helping Hands, Inc. is a non-profit organization with the paramount goal of assisting the financially challenged working families of Kent County who for various reasons and circumstances beyond their control struggle to meet daily expenses. Staffed entirely by volunteers, CHHH has a long-term objective of procuring wish-granting families, companies, and organizations to contribute aid in support of deserving families throughout the year.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

1) provide new gifts for Christmas to children of low-income working families here in Kent County, matching families with wish-grantors who sponsor the children by purchasing necessary clothes and a few toys.  cover approximately 120-125 families, 250-300 children for Christmas and

2) purchasing shoe gift cards and fully packed book bags for our Heart and Sole (back to school) program (190 kids)

3) We also have a warehouse of donated clothing, shoes, and household items where our approved client families can come to shop once a month free of charge for anything they might need for their family

Charity Type: Children, Social Services       


Description: It is the mission of Catholic Charities – Diocese of Wilmington, to address human suffering and to promote and restore the well-being of people and society by providing caring service to families and persons in need.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$45 will provide a total of 9 meals for a needy household

Charity Type: Children, Community, Health, Homelessness, Senior Services, Social Services


Description: Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity seeks to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope. We provide affordable housing solutions related to homeownership, owner-occupied repairs, healthy home repairs, and energy upgrades in Kent County. Our programs build strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$50 provides a light fixture to brighten a room.

$175 provides an interior door to give a child a peaceful night of sleep and a quiet place for homework.

$275 provides a window for fresh air and sunlight in a home.

$500 provides 80 2″x6″ studs to frame a home.

Charity Type: Education, Environment


Description: Changing Fates Equine Rescue of Delaware, Inc. (CFERD) is a 501(c)(3) all volunteer rescue dedicated to locating abused, neglected, or unwanted horses. We then rehabilitate, retrain, and when possible, rehome these horses. For horses not suitable for adoption, we will provide sanctuary for them for the remainder of their life.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Funds for CFERD come from donations, adoptions, grants, and fundraising events. Our need for funding assistance is acute. Rescuing a single healthy horse can easily exceed $1,000. An unhealthy horse can require up to $500 per month for medications and veterinary care alone.

\Charity Type: Animals     


Description: Charity Crossing re-purposes returned goods from corporations & donates them to under-served Delaware community members at local giveaway events. More than half of the persons who attend Charity Crossing events have a household income less than $25K. The low-income population served supports 3 or more household members and are facing life challenges ranging from Disability to being a Single Parent. With every donation they receive, they are able to save valuable income, improve their well-being and for many overcome disabilities.

Further Charity Crossing provides a unique solution of incorporating physical activity into volunteer opportunities that benefit the

community and the environment. In 2023 Charity Crossing volunteers clocked close to 25,000 hours of community service, out of

which 8,600 hours were from youth volunteers. These are active hours for a volunteer, hours where they are performing physical

activities, which are having a direct impact on their health.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

The cost of renting a trailer-truck to source the donations from the corporations is

$500/trip for an average of 25 pallets, each pallet worth over $5000 in goods like

household items, clothes, shoes toys, non-perishable food and more.

A $20 donation is the unit cost of 1 pallet of goods. With every $500 collected we will be able to make a trip and make sure these donations have 250x times impact on residents of Delaware who are in need.

Charity Type: Environment, Health, Social Services     


Description: Child, Inc. provides emergency shelters: 1 for abused children, 2 shelters for victims of domestic violence and their children, domestic violence hotline, clinical services for victims and perpetrators of domestic violence; parenting education, family support, runaway hotline and foster care.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$30 will provide food for one of the women staying with her children in one of the domestic violence shelters

$50 will provide a parenting education workshop for a new family

$107 will cover the cost of a lock change for one victim of domestic violence to ensure her safety

$250 will cover the cost of transportation and admission for a recreational/cultural activity for 8 abused, neglected, dependent youth living in our children’s shelter

$500 provides individual counseling services for six victims of domestic violence

$1,000 provides shelter for victim of domestic violence and his/her children for two weeks

Charity Type: Community, Social Services, Youth Development, Domestic Violence     


Description: Children & families First (CFF) serves 25,000 people each year through a comprehensive continuum of child-centered and family-focused services from prevention to Intervention to healing. This service delivery approach is designed to support key ingredients required for helping children develop in healthy ways and achieve educational goals and supporting adults to become responsive caregivers who are financially stable.  Our service areas span individual, family, and group social-emotional interventions, parenting skills training and education, case management. and social services.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$50 can provide two (2) school uniforms for an elementary student in one of our community schools, located in Delaware’s neediest neighborhoods.

$200 can provide two (2) family therapy sessions for a teen and their parents who are struggling with conflict, to prevent juvenile justice involvement or foster care placement.

$250 can provide a loaner device, program materials, incentives, and activity kits for a family participating in our Parent Enrichment classes so they can practice positive parenting skills.

Charity Type: Children, Community, Social Services      


Description: Children’s Advocacy of Delaware provides a broad array of services in child friendly settings to coordinate the assessment and investigation of child abuse cases while assuring the victims receive immediate and sensitive support. The mission of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Delaware is to reduce the devastating long-term effects that child abuse has on children, their families and society through immediate, coordinated, child-focused services, education and advocacy.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Contributions will be used to provide victim advocacy and forensic interview services for child victims and their families.

Charity Type: Children, Community, Education      


Description: Children’s Beach House (CBH) serves children, ages 3-18, with communicative disabilities and developmental delays from under-resourced homes.  Our programs help children with special needs identify their natural strengths and talents in order to find success in life and become contributing members of their communities.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$15 will provide daily meals and snacks for one child

$25 will purchase program supplies for one child

$50 will provide holiday season necessities for one family

$100 will provide transportation for one child to participate in program services for one year

$250 will provide individualized case management for one child for one month

$500 will provide one week-long summer camp session and 10 monthly overnight weekend enrichment sessions for one child

Charity Type: Children, Community, Disability Services, Employment & Training Resources, Social Services, Youth Development    


Description: We provide the following programs or services to the residents of Delaware and all US residents who have a child diagnosed with cancer and childhood cancer survivors: free webinars, free advocacy toolkit, College Scholars program offering scholarships to childhood cancer survivors, The Stewart Initiative for Childhood Cancer Survivors, the Kids Action Network (KAN) advocacy group, and free Legislative Action Center to contact Members of Congress on issues affecting kids with cancer.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$40 per week for 50 weeks can provide a $2,000 scholarship to a childhood cancer survivor via our College Scholars Program

Charity Type: Children, Health       


Description: ChristianaCare is one of the country’s most dynamic health care systems, centered on improving health outcomes, making high-quality care more accessible and lowering health care costs.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Generous support honors ChristianaCare nurses by providing opportunities for professional growth and advancement. Experienced, professional nurses appreciate working for a health system that values their contributions and recognizes their clinical leadership. Now more than ever, Christiana Care values our caregivers and continue to seek ways to advance nursing practice towards improvements in clinical excellence and patient outcomes. Philanthropy strengthens our nursing professionals’ ability to provide high-quality, exceptional care experience for every patient, every day.

Charity Type: Health        


Description: CCAC provides affordable arts, education, instruction, career pathways paid internships, gallery exhibitions, and live performances accessible to all in a welcoming environment. CCAC offers one of the only integrated arts and academic programs in Delaware, utilizing the power of arts to promote school success and positive social behavior. For nearly 80 years, CCAC has been an anchor in the Delaware arts community and Wilmington’s Creative District, focusing on the tenets of Hope, Knowledge, Inspiration & Passion. CCAC offers one of the only integrated arts and academic programs in Delaware, utilizing the power of arts lo promote school success, career training, and positive social behavior.

Christina produces the only comprehensive arts and education program in Delaware with a core mission to utilize arts education to promote school success, career training. and positive social behavior. To fulfill its mission, we:

  Welcome students from the very young to youth and adults, with diverse abilities, ethnicities, and lifestyles

  Offer quality music, dance, drama, and visual art instruction taught by professional artists

  Connect the Arts with literacy, social capital, wellness, and community development

  Provide support to emerging and established professionals in creative fields

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$75-$99 provides for a family of 4 to attend CCAC cultural events.

$100-$249 provides a scholarship to 1 student enrolled in a class at the School of the Arts.

$250-$499 provides 10 hours of classroom artistic instruction in high-needs public schools providing artistic standards-aligned lessons that are integrated with school culture improving academic outcomes.

$500-$999 provides cost of dance recital costumes for 8-15 students.

$1,500-$2,499 provides supplies, educational activities, and social events for 5 students participating in The HeArt Under The Hoodie, youth violence prevention program.

$2,500-$4,999 supports the Parent Academy for 1 year to strengthen bonds with Early Childhood Education Arts Academy (ECEAA) families to increase students’ success.

$5,000 covers 1 intern’s salary for a school year enrolled in the Future Entrepreneur & Creative Industries Internship Program (FECIIP).

Charity Type: Arts & Culture, Children, Community, Education, Employment & Training Resources, Social Services, Youth Development  


Description: The Colonial Chapter of the Paralyzed Veterans of America programs restore hope and quality of life to Veterans with paralysis, their families, and caregivers who face the challenge of Spinal Cord Injury and Spinal Cord Disease.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

$5 a week can make the world more accessible to Veterans with Paralysis

$10 a week can help restore hope and quality of life to a Veteran with Paralysis

Charity Type: Disability Services, Employment & Training Resources, Military & Their Families, Social Services, Veteran Services     


Description: Through partnerships with over 100 Delaware schools and community agencies, Connecting Generations is able to provide mentoring and Social Emotional Learning programs to more than 2300 youth across the state. Connecting Generations programs help children build positive buffers to adversity and increase their individual threshold resilience to adverse factors.

Creative Mentoring provides K-12th grade students with weekly school-based mentoring sessions. Through mentoring, trusted adults guide students to make healthy/positive choices cultivating trust through commitment, listening, and compassion. Mentors offer stable relationships, unconditional acceptance, and teach students to accept themselves. Studies have shown that students who have experienced trauma find value in caring, ongoing, purposeful interaction of an adult. This is the definition of a mentor. Recently, Connecting Generations expanded our programs to include a Foster Care Initiative. Mentoring support for children in foster care will provide a protective factor as well as encourage the development of the social emotional learning core competencies. Our interactive classroom-based and small-group workshops, introduce students to the five social emotional learning (SEL) tenets: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making, while nurturing values of respectful behavior, positive coping skills and encouraging academic success. Tied to American School Counselor Association standards, our Creative Education programs support efforts to improve school climate, enhance Positive Behavior Support Programs (PBS), and are bullying prevention tools.

Our Creative Collaborations division provides programming for children in specialized populations.

SibShops helps siblings of children with special needs become aware of their emotions, strengths, interests, and responsibilities, and provides growth opportunities. Youth will develop awareness for others as well as decision-making and relationship skills.  Foster Care Initiative places mentors with youth in foster care.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$50 will pay for training materials for mentoring at one school site

$300 will pay for one Sibling workshop

$500 will train 25 – 30 new mentors

$1,000 will provide a school with a 10 Week SEL workshop

$13,000 will add a mentoring program to a school or community organization

$35,000 will provide a county with the Mentoring for Youth in Foster Care program

Charity Type: Children, Education, Youth Development      


Description: Contactlifeline’s Crisis Helpline serves population suffering suicidal ideation, depression, the chronically mentally ill, rape and sexual assault victims, and the general population in need of information and referral services and anyone in need of 24 hours/7 days a week/365 days in a year counseling services (We Do Not Close). The target population for the Rape Crisis service is victims of sexual violence and offered to all survivors including FREE face-to-face counseling services at the office or via tele-health. In addition, we provide accompaniment to hospitals, police, and court proceedings for victims of sexual assault. As an ESSENTIAL agency, we stayed open, even during the health and economic crisis.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

Contactlifeline accepts any financial contribution towards assisting in providing services to our Delaware residents.

$10 can be used to stock the call room with snack food and coffee items for volunteers answering the 24-hour telephone Crisis Helpline.

$12 can provide a fee for a person answering the Crisis Helpline (part-time staff- $12 an hour).

$35 can provide a fee for a person responding to a victim of sexual assault.

Charity Type: Health         

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Description: The mission of The Delaware 4-H Foundation is to enhance and expand educational opportunities for Delaware 4-H’ers through private donations.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

The Delaware 4-H Foundation sponsors awards, trips, and scholarships for 4-H members. It also supports residential camps and provides funds for leadership development, program development and project specific support.

Charity Type: Animals, Arts & Culture, Children, Community, Education, Environment, Health, Military & Their Families, Youth Development


Description: The Delaware Adolescent Program, Inc. (DAPI) benefits the health and welfare of residents of Delaware by providing pregnant and parenting teen girls an opportunity to continue their education, review career/college options, obtain maternal health, and gain understanding regarding healthy life choices. The students learn the importance of self-sufficiency and the importance of waiting for additional children in hopes of preparing a stable income for a productive future.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 can offset the cost of a field trip to increase the view of the world to pregnant and parenting teens who may not have the opportunity to go beyond the state limits

$50 can support the purchase of baby items to assist students who are not prepared to bring a baby home from the hospital

$75 can help support 3 students as they are honored for outstanding attendance and/or academic achievement

$100 can support the annual cost of software and hardware used to provide an update educational environment with technology

Charity Type: Children, Education, Health, Social Services, Youth Development    


Description: DASEF Mission is to inspire and educate the people of the Delaware Valley in learning about Science, Space, Engineering, Earth’s Environment, and Mathematics (STEM) through the use of our academies, presentations, symposiums, professional development, events, and activities through the resources of the Environmental Outpost.

DASEF strives to improve the quality of life through its advocacy of education, the environment and strengthening the workforce.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

For more than 34 years, DASEF has contributed to the academic development of over 614,000 students, educators, and others through the delivery of context-based activities consistent with current educational research and development. These multi-disciplinary and cooperative learning programs teach in tangible ways the skills of responsible decision making, leadership, teamwork, critical and creative thinking, and communication and listening skills.  Field trips: $6 -$7 per child

Charity Type: Children, Community, Education, Youth Development


Description: Headquartered in Wilmington with offices in Kent and Sussex Counties, the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition’s programs reach diverse communities to deliver messages that address their unique concerns about breast cancer and early detection. Recognizing the barriers of language, culture, and economics, DBCC trains community advocates through their Peer Mentor Program, as well as works to help educate and encourage women and men to take responsibility for their health through breast health presentations and community health fairs. In addition, the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition helps those with low incomes and those with little or no insurance receive free or reduced-cost care.

Breast cancer gets the spotlight annually during October, but we all know it’s around 365 days a year. For those already fighting this disease, as well as the 1,140 Delawareans estimated to receive a devastating breast cancer diagnosis this year alone, breast cancer is a profound reality that knows no bounds and respects no schedule, touching the lives of our families, friends, and neighbors, women and men alike.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$50 can provide a woman with a mammogram.

$75 will support a patient with transportation costs to receive treatments.

$100 will fund early detection navigation and outreach initiatives, saving lives through regular screenings.

$250 will contribute to in-person and virtual survivorship programming providing mental health, wellness, and support resources.

Charity Type: Community, Education, Health

Informational Video


Description: Delaware CarePlan seeks to enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities by providing life-long planning services, financial security, and support services beyond basic care during and after the life of their parents/families.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Contributions of any amount would assist Delaware CarePlan with the means for outreach to inform and educate families, service providers, and attorneys about the need to plan beyond the parents’ existence. Individuals with disabilities are vulnerable, but even moreso when they outlive their parents. DCP is able to provide oversight and quality assurance of care and, ultimately, peace of mind to parents and/or guardians who worry about what will happen to their loved ones when they are gone.

Charity Type: Disability Services        


Description: Since 1977, the Delaware Center for Horticulture (DCH) has cultivated a greener community by bringing people and plants together. Our work includes creating and maintaining the first Urban Farm in the City of Wilmington, beautifying public landscapes, planting close to 19,000 urban trees, and hosting educational programs and community events. Collaborations with social services, municipal, and government agencies afford DCH the opportunity to continue our mission of inspiring individuals and communities through the power of plants.

DCH’s mission contributes to community building through our strategic pillars: to transform underserved neighborhoods, communities, and individuals; to motivate individuals and communities with an interest in plants and horticulture to improve their surroundings; and to elevate the greater Delaware community resulting in a healthier, safer, and more beautiful environment.

Our population includes everyone from preschool-aged children who explore our backyard garden with their parents, to the older adults who attend an informative workshop or lecture, to the corporate groups and volunteers who serve the community through a tree planting event. DCH provides services to approximately 3,000 individuals from a variety of demographics every year.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

EDUCATION: DCH offers workshops, lectures, tours, and trips to gardeners of all levels.

PUBLIC LANDSCAPES: DCH’s Public Landscapes Program makes the diverse world of horticulture prominent and accessible to all people. Partnering with individuals, agencies, and regional businesses, we use our expertise in landscape design and implementation to beautify public spaces. We offer consultation services and corporate sponsorships for these spaces throughout New Castle County Delaware. DCH’s public landscapes have a real quantifiable impact: the 23 public sites host 187 unique plant species that support native pollinators; the sites are projected to capture 213 metric tons of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the next ten years; and 176,456 vehicles pass these beautiful sites on a daily basis.

COMMUNITY GARDENS & URBAN HORTICULTURE: DCH supports community gardens and helped establish Wilmington’s first urban farm. Located in vacant lots and public spaces, DCH-sponsored community gardens provide children and adults alike a place to learn and grow together. The E.D. Robinson Urban Farm rose out of a trash-strewn lot, becoming a community garden and commercial growing space. The Farm supports a local food system, providing residents with fresh fruits and vegetables while beautifying the landscape.

COMMUNITY FORESTRY: Our Community Forestry Program partners with local, state, and federal groups to promote the benefits of urban trees. Since 1977, we have assisted neighborhoods in planting and maintaining close to 19,000 trees on Wilmington streets. DCH also annually leads Arbor Day programs, maintains the city tree inventory, and organizes tree giveaways and volunteer planting events.


Branches to Chances®: A Return to Work (BTC) program serves unemployed, underemployed, and previously incarcerated individuals by providing training that connects participants with positions in the horticultural industry. Skills are developed in landscaping, tree maintenance, computer and financial literacy. 

New in 2023, DCH is launching a new Delaware River Climate Corps (DRCC), an initiative that is part of a national service and job training program that utilizes DCH’s current horticultural job-training program, Branches to Chances® as a foundation for expansion. After completing the 9-week (BTC) introduction to horticulture, graduates may enter a 1–2-year cohort model that encompasses land stewardship, climate resiliency, green infrastructure (rain gardens, green roofs), watershed and ecosystem protection, plant propagation, and food production/access.  

Both workforce development programs assist its participants, especially those who have experienced racial injustices, in reaching a level playing field by securing in-demand, environmentally-literate, career trajectories, and more importantly, self-reliant futures.

Charity Type: Arts & Culture, Community, Education, Employment & Training Resources, Environment, Health   


Description:  Since 1994, the Center has been a national estuary program and your local non-profit working to preserve, protect, and restore Delaware’s Inland Bays and their watershed. The Center achieved this through: Education, Outreach, Science & Research, Restoration, and Public Policy 

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 provides a bag of oysters for Living Shoreline Projects or helps monitor water quality in the bays

$10 Provides supplies for Youth Environmental Education Programs or plants a tree in the watershed

Charity Type: Animals, Children, Community, Economic Development, Education, and Environment 


Description: The Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence is a statewide, nonprofit organization and coalition of organizations, groups and individuals that strive to promote conditions that prevent and eliminate domestic violence by educating its members and community partners; providing informational resources to the community; and advocating as a strong, unified voice for victims/survivors of domestic violence, children who are affected, domestic violence programs and victim service providers.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Your support allows us to provide more trainings; do more advocacy and policy work which includes advocating for victims’ safety and more funding for domestic violence services; and we can also do more prevention work by supporting community-based initiatives and building new partnerships to address root causes of violence.

Charity Type: Social Services        


Description: Founded to realize the promise of an accessible, community-centric financial system, DCRAC provides low- and no-cost services that enable Delawareans to untangle and take charge of their financial lives. We integrate legal and financial services with community education and advocacy so low-wealth clients can manage their own secure financial futures and thrive within mainstream banking and legal systems. We proudly work with community members to match our services to their needs, ensuring everyone who walks through our doors has the necessary services, resources, and knowledge to access credit, capital, and legal support. In Delaware, we’re also the only group making sure the big banks that our state economy is built around give back to the community—and we’ve been doing that since 1987.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$500 can provide a low-wealth family legal representation to resolve their tax debts owed to the IRS, or record title to their home, or create planning documents such as wills, power of attorney, and healthcare directive

Charity Type: Economic Development        


Description: COPS is dedicated to assisting survivors of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty and educating police agencies in line of duty death.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

COPS can provide counseling services for surviving spouses, children, adult children, parents, significant others, etc. Delaware COPS provides law enforcement training in line of duty death matters.

Charity Type: Law Enforcement & Their Families        


Description: Wildlife-human interactions have increased over the past decade. DCWRE provides specialized care for injured and orphaned wildlife which reduces the potential dangers to the public and addresses the concerns/distress that the public experience when encountering these animals.  DCWRE also provides specialized training, outreach, and education on native wildlife including how to recognize symptoms of diseases such as rabies, distemper, and chronic wasting disease and how to avoid exposure. DCWRE members continue to train and keep current with emerging issues by attending regional and local workshops and meetings hosted by experts in the field of wildlife rehabilitation.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

DCWRE members are unpaid volunteers that provide nutrition, housing, and medical treatment to wildlife that would otherwise cost the state $1,000s per year. DCWRE handles 100s of phone inquiries from the public pertaining to wildlife and responds to reports of injured or orphaned wildlife.

Many species that are rehabilitated are valuable game species or non-game species important to Delaware’s natural heritage. DCWRE covers the cost from intake to release, for example: $10 can buy specialized nutritional formula needed to raise a litter of orphaned cottontail rabbits or squirrels from few days old to release back into the wild.

Charity Type: Animals, Education, Environment


Description: Delaware Dreams, Inc. (est. in 1987) – The Delaware Dreams foundation’s mission is to provide for the special needs and/or wishes of Delaware children with a critical illness, a health-related hardship, or other serious life challenges.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

One recent example of how DE Dreams supports children who in this case, are in treatment at Nemours Children’s Hospital. In the Fall of 2022 since the hospital was still in a holding pattern regarding planning and engaging in any inside sickle cell events, it was requested that since patients/families were truly in desperate need of school supplies, they would certainly appreciate back-to-school supplies and backpacks. That is just what DE Dreams supplied for 110 school-age sickle cell patients.

Charity Type: Children        

Website:  N/A

Description: The Delaware Foundation for Medical Services (DFMS) formed in 1992 as a non-profit, supporting foundation to the Medical Society of Delaware (MSD). DFMS supports programs and initiatives that are specifically designed to expand access to care and services for vulnerable Delawareans.

In 1992, MSD created the Voluntary Initiative Program (VIP). VIP worked with the State of DE to link new Medicaid enrollees with a participating physician. The program served over 4000 consumers, and recruited new Medicaid doctors in the years up to Medicaid Managed Care in 1996. It then retooled as a statewide safety net demonstration of charitable physician service to uninsured individuals. DFMS formed to support the original program in 1993, and continues to do so as its banner $ investment.

Our purpose, by mission, is to support programs and activities that specifically serve vulnerable, underserved individuals throughout Delaware. The Dillon Trust proceeds that formed DFMS’ explicitly had this purpose as well. Some results of DFMS investment include:

The VIP now works with Health Care Connection at the DE Division of Public Health and has served approximately 20,000 people.

Hope Medical Clinic in Dover expanded to include volunteer dental care in addition to its medical care.

La Red Health Center and Rosa Health have completed special projects in Sussex.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Donations of any dollar amount contribute to the overall amount of funds that DFMS has available to award annually to non-profit organizations that are expanding access to no-cost and/or discounted medical services– directly to consumers- across the state. DFMS awards funding for projects or other needs specifically to organizations that target their medical services to underserved, vulnerable, and high risk populations. Every dollar you contribute is helping make sure that health care is available to all people residing in Delaware.

Charity Type: Health     


Description: Delaware Futures provides holistic support and empowerment to at-promise high school students across the state who come to us for academic support, social and emotional support, college prep, supportive services, workforce development and career readiness, including paid internships, and case management. Equity is at the core of our mission. Research shows that the biggest gaps in learning were experienced by minority students and low-income students.100% of Delaware Futures’ students see an increase in core grades and 100% of students graduate from high school college- and employment-ready. Not only do we provide group tutoring, but we provide 1:1 tutoring for students who need additional help in school. We regularly collect report cards every quarter, work cooperatively with schools, and provide an extra boost wherever and whenever a student needs one. Delaware Futures works to eliminate barriers – and help students come up with coping strategies when persistent barriers exist. We work to give students an equal playing field – when they are in our program and beyond. We invest in our community and our students by giving students work readiness skills, such as resume writing, improving communication skills and public speaking, and exposing them to as many career options and post-secondary opportunities as possible through career exploration, career panels, college tours, exposure to certificate programs, and gatherings with DF alumni. We invest in our students’ dreams and empower them to believe in themselves, when the world around them often has a different narrative. We bolster our students’ skill sets in academics, and in soft skills, so when they graduate from Delaware Futures, they are ready to meet whatever comes next with confidence, pride, and joy.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 feeds a student at on-site programming

$150 provides groceries for a family for 2 weeks

$75 provides a motel voucher for an unhoused family

$75 provides a student with funds to purchase an outfit a job interview or college/school interview

$60 provides a monthly bus pass for a student

$200 purchases a chrome book for a student

$200 sponsors a student on a week-long college tour

Charity Type: Community, Youth Development, Food Closet     


Description: By working collaboratively with community partners and by providing direct services itself, the Consortium ensures that Delawareans living with HIV/AIDS have access to HIV case management, transportation assistance, a housing assistance program, emergency financial assistance, HIV community planning, outreach, education, testing and linkage to care, and advocacy.   The Consortium also provides subcontracted services to the Delaware Division of Public Health, administering programs such as a HIV prevention education campaign,  a data to care re-engagement program, a mail order condom distribution program, and a PrEP Navigation program.   The Consortium provides statewide services to Delawareans living with HIV through offices in Wilmington and Milford, Delaware.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$40 can provide HIV counseling & testing for two people. Those tested not only learn their HIV status, but they also come away with risk reduction counseling that can help keep them from HIV infection.

$50 will provide a bus pass for one month for clients to require transportation to medical appointments, and case management visits.

$50 a month can provide much-needed personal needs items for two clients, such as soap, toothpaste, cleaning supplies and other toiletries.

$500 could provide a housing client with security deposit who may be eligible for rental assistance but needs security money to secure the home.

Charity Type: Health        


Description: Delaware Hospice’s mission is to support every individual, family, and community with compassionate and expert care for serious illness through its programs and services:  Delaware Transitions, Delaware Palliative, Delaware Hospice, Delaware Hospice Center, Katybug Pediatric Program, Bereavement and New Hope.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 – Would help cover the cost of a New Hope Bear for a grieving child.

$50 – Would help cover educational materials for a grieving family.

$75 – Would help cover a family bereavement visit from a Delaware Hospice counselor.

$150 – Would help cover materials for training a new Delaware Hospice volunteer.

$500 – Would help cover the cost for a child at the Camp New Hope summer camp.

$1,000 – Would help cover the cost for a patient a day at the Delaware Hospice Center.

Charity Type: Health        


Description: About 1 in 70 women will develop ovarian cancer, and most are diagnosed in the late stages when the survival rate is low. Presently, awareness of symptoms by women and their doctors has been the most successful way to detect ovarian cancer in its early most treatable stages.  DOCF programs increase awareness and educate people about ovarian cancer, support ovarian cancer research through the DOCF Research Initiative with grants to the HF Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute, and support women affected by ovarian cancer.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

DOCF events and activities are intended to support the DOCF threefold mission to increase awareness and education about ovarian cancer, to support women affected by ovarian cancer, and to support ovarian cancer research.  Delaware State employee contributions would support these awareness activities and research, including:

– Presentations and Appearances: DOCF gives presentations to various women’s groups throughout Delaware. The DOCF president has given awareness presentations to various cancer support groups at the HF Graham Cancer Center and elsewhere throughout Delaware.

– Printing and distribution of ovarian cancer awareness and education brochures and materials prepared by DOCF.

– Maintaining the DOCF website and Facebook presence, and supporting articles on ovarian cancer, radio announcements and press releases, and informational packets distributed to doctors and various health entities in Delaware.

– Survivor’s Tea and gatherings to provide an opportunity for ovarian cancer survivors to meet and celebrate life.

– DOCF Research Initiative that presently provides grants to facilitate ovarian cancer research through the HFGCC&RI.

Charity Type: Health         


Description: WDDE – Delaware Public Media is Delaware’s on NPR (National Public Radio) affiliate. We provide a rich menu of local and national news, public affairs, entertainment, arts & culture in a blend that no other station in Delaware comes close to matching. Our in-depth coverage of communities of color, citizens with economic disadvantages, our state legislature, and leading arts and community service organizations is unmatched and highly valued by thousands of Delawareans as their primary source of communications about our state.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

$35 funds a 10-minute newscast covering our state.

$50 pays for an on-the-scene story from one of our reporters.

$200/week funds “Hometown Heroes”, Delaware’s ONLY music program exclusive featuring local artists, or one weekly broadcast of “The Green”, and in-depth weekly news magazine bringing listeners important long-form stories about our state.

Charity Type: Arts & Culture, Community, Economic Development, Education, Environment, Health, Local Media   


Description: The Delaware Technical Community College Educational Foundation exists to bridge the gap between the needs and resources of the College. The non-profit, tax-exempt corporation was established in 1968 to raise funds to provide assistance to Delaware Tech students who wish to enhance their lives through education and training.

The Foundation’s mission is to work with donors to ensure a quality and accessible Delaware Tech education for all.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Donations support students in the way of books, tuition, student educational supplies, and other needs of the campus community.

Charity Type: Education        


Description: The DVFA Foundation awards scholarships to members and their families of the Delaware Volunteer Fire Service through an application process. These scholarships provide the recipients with continuing college educational opportunities.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

The DVFA Foundation was able to provide scholarships to 23 deserving recipients for the 2022-2023 scholastic year. All contributions, no matter the size, will allow the Foundation to continue this program with awarding those who wish to better themselves by furthering their education.

Charity Type: Education    


Description: Delaware Volunteer Legal Services, Inc., (DVLS) is an agency dedicated to providing quality pro bono legal services to the poor in Delaware. DVLS recruits, trains and mentors attorneys willing to serve as pro bona counsel for needy individuals with meritorious civil legal issues.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

For every dollar invested in civil legal aid in Delaware, there is a $7.23 economic return for Delaware and its communities.

Charity Type: Legal Services        


Description: DFRC runs the Hand-in-Hand Program in conjunction with the DFRC Blue-Gold All*Star Football Game. Approximately 50 Delaware high schools participate each year, with senior football players, cheerleaders, band members, and student ambassadors … many of whom are paired with a child (ages 4-18) with an intellectual disABILITY. They are “Buddies” from February to June, and enjoy monthly group activities that promote acceptance, inclusion, diversity, and understanding; frequent small groups are also encouraged, to promote acceptance and inclusion with school and peer groups. DFRC also raises funds to support other programs throughout the state of Delaware that enrich the lives of Delawareans with intellectual disABILITIES.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

DFRC is a well-respected foundation dedicated to raising funds and consciousness through quality events to support enrichment programs, so that all Delawareans with intellectual disABILITIES have the opportunity to maximize their potential, independence, and enjoyment of life.

Charity Type: Children, Community, Disability Services, Health, Youth Development, Disability Awareness


Description: The Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing provides shelter, extensive services, and affordable, supportive housing to those experiencing homelessness. Meals are provided daily to residents and those in search or help. Case management enables adults experiencing homelessness to regain productive and purposeful lives. Health and mental health services are provided along with a daytime resource center that is open to all for showers, laundry, mailing address, and access to programs and assistance.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 provides a meal and a day’s bus pass to an unhoused adult.

$10 provides coffee supplies, toiletries and laundry detergent for a day in the resource center.

$20 provides a night of shelter and food along with access to services.

Charity Type: Community, Employment & Training Resources, Homelessness, Social Services      


Description: The Down Syndrome Association of Delaware serves over 450 individuals with Down syndrome and their families—from birth through adulthood. Our organization offers: new parent outreach, hospital support, physical fitness programs such as boxing, yoga and a walking club, parent support groups, local and national advocacy for individuals with disabilities, books and reference guides for families, summer camp and workforce training programs as well as guest lectures on topics like estate planning and medical guidance.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 will cover the cost of a boxing class, as part of our Down to Box Program, for an individual with Down syndrome.

$50 will provide a new parent packet to a family welcoming a new baby with Down syndrome.

Charity Type: Disability Services


Description: Delaware State Trooper Association Benevolent Fund provides financial and other assistance to all law enforcement officers and their families in the event of a line-of-duty death, serious injury or illness.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

Meals, lodging and transportation expenses provided to family members during hospitalization, medical treatments, testing, etc.

Charity Type: Law Enforcement & Their Families        


Description: Duffy’s Hope, Inc. provides intellectual, emotional and interpersonal growth opportunities for youth and families through advocacy, education, mentoring and community outreach.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$250.00 can provide one teenager with 12-weeks of prevention platform

opportunities of healthy lifestyles, literacy, self-esteem, conflict resolution and


$150.00 can provide one teenager with access to positive role models and mentor


Charity Type: Arts & Culture, Children, Community, Education, Homelessness, Youth Development    

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Description: Easterseals provides exceptional services,education,outreach and advocacy, so that people living with disabilities can live,learn,work and play in their communities.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25, a caregiver can take a much-needed break from caregiving and rejuvenate through our Respite Care program, which offers small grants to families.

$50, a senior can maintain their dignity and independence. Easterseals helps seniors stay active in their community while their caregivers are able to work worry free.

$100, an individual living with a disability is able to attend day services for adults with disabilities. Through these programs participants stay connected, make lifelong friendships and master new skills.

$250, a participant can receive job training and coaching through Easterseals Supported Employment, which are the first steps toward career success.

$500, children can meet their milestones through physical, occupational and speech therapies realizing their full potential thanks to the strong foundation built with Easterseals Children’s Therapy Services.

$1000, a participant experiences independence in a safe and nurturing environment attending Camp Fairlee with endless possibilities for adventure.

Charity Type: Children, Community, Disability Services, Employment & Training Resources, Health, Senior Services, Social Services, Youth Development 


Description: Our ultimate goal is that by supporting our community families and these students, we will create a lasting, positive impact for future generations. As students become more resilient, college-prepared, and more adept at managing their SEL needs, they can promote positive impacts in their families and peer groups. Mental health is a significant issue in our communities that can be mitigated through intentional and strategic awareness and empowerment programming. The cycle of poverty and educational deficiencies in our community is unacceptable. We aim to use our targeted and robust curriculum and program offerings to disrupt the process, maximize student potential, and promote community resiliency. EDGE desires to be the catalyst needed to invoke lasting change in one of Wilmington’s most vulnerable communities.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$6,500? per student per student for the entire school years activities and materials

$100 will send a child to summer camp a week

$$ will give a day of SEL Training

$$ gives children a Mindfulness session with a licensed therapist

$$ allows for children to have one dance class

Charity Type: Children, Community, Education, Youth Development    


Description: The Murphey School provides residential foster care for children and youth who are in the custody of Department of Services for Children, Youth and their families. We also provide independent living skills and transitional living housing and services for youth aging out of foster care.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Any contribution that is given would help provide critical tutoring services for children whose education was affected by movements necessitated by their placement.

Charity Type: Children, Social Services, Youth Development      


Description: Epilepsy Foundation of DE provides essential trainings and support programs at no charge to recipients.  Group support is an important resource for anyone living with a chronic illness.  Support groups are led by one of our community educators who have extensive personal and professional experience coping with epilepsy and its impact on families and caregivers. These support groups provide knowledge and understanding along with an opportunity for attendees to share experiences and resources in a confidential setting.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 can provide counseling services for one (1) individual

$50 can provide one (1) training session to an emergency response unit

$75 can provide workplace advocacy and education for one individual with epilepsy

$100 can provide educational material for twenty (20) individuals

$250 can provide support groups for individuals, family, and friends for an entire year

$500 can provide community awareness materials

$1000 can provide a “Be Seizure Smart” program to fifty (50) schools

Charity Type: Disability Services, Education, Health, Social Services     


Description: Exceptional Care for Children (ECC) improves the lives of medically fragile children and their families through skilled nursing, transitional and palliative care. We are a haven for healing fragile bodies when improvement is possible, and a refuge for nurturing vulnerable spirits when a cure is unattainable.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

All money raised at ECC directly benefits our children and the programs that impact them:

$5 donation provides entry or participation fees for (1) ECC child to partake in an off-site Field Trip or an on-site community-learning experience during the COVID-19 pandemic.

$50 donation provides our Child Advocate to purchase seasonal outfits for (1) resident. Our children outgrow their clothing quickly and we usually need to replenish their clothing prior to each season!

$100 donation would provide birthday gifts and a birthday party to (2) children at ECC. Birthdays are a big deal here at ECC and we host a themed-party each month.

Charity Type: Children, Health       

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Description: Faithful Friends Animal Society (FFAS) is a private, nonprofit animal welfare organization with a No Kill shelter and community veterinary clinic. All animals in our care stay with us until placed into new homes.  Our mission is to end the neglect, abandonment and killing of pets in Delaware and to enrich the lives of people by promoting and providing compassionate animal-related welfare and social services.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 helps us feed a dog or cat at our animal shelter

$15 provides vaccines to our adoptable pets

$20 supports our community programs, for example our Free Pet Food & Supply Bank

$50 supports the daily care for 10 adoptable animals from our animal shelter

$100 helps spay/neuter, vaccinate, and microchip animals

Charity Type: Animals, Community, Education, Social Services       


Description: The Family Counseling Center of St. Pauls provides bilingual (Spanish-speaking), culturally responsive trauma-focused & trauma-informed behavioral health counseling, case management, and workforce development to help impoverished, underserved, uninsured, and under-insured children, parents, adults, and families disproportionately impacted by linguistic, cultural, stigmatic, financial, health, and transportation barriers.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Your gift of $50.00 provides one session of resource navigation services to Sara can find safe shelter for herself and her children.

Your gift of $100 provides a counseling session to help a child like Theresa cope with the effects of anxiety.

Your gift of $150 provides a group counseling session for victims of crime like Olivia.

Your gift of $500 provides one month of training for bilingual clinical candidates pursuing licensure.

  • Did you know that Delaware only has 43 bilingual behavioral health providers for the approximately 31,000+ Latinos who only speak Spanish. That equates to one clinician for every 725 individuals. Your gift will help us continue to build this critical pipeline and narrow the gap in providers!

Charity Type: Children, Community, Social Services, Case Management     


Description: An issue facing Delaware communities is one of neighborhood and community instability, borne out of transience, high renter turnover and foreclosure rates. Often, low-income communities see higher rates of these than the rest of the state. The combination of these three instances work to destabilize Delaware communities, specifically low-income communities.  Stabilized communities are a product of stabilized families, home ownership, positive rental stewardship, and a resident’s overall connection to their community, all of which Family Promise NNCC effectively accomplishes on a regular basis. The majority of the families we serve are simply down on their luck. A job loss or an unexpected bill, in addition to a myriad of other factors, lead them to lose their housing, A foreclosure or an eviction both destabilize communities. Vacant units, specifically for long periods of time, lead to higher rates of crime, infestation, and potential health hazards to neighboring residents. Additionally, areas with high rates of vacancy lower community property values and are often unattractive to potential residents.

Family Promise NNCC works with families to bolster their capacity to survive independently. A significant portion of individuals living in low income communities lack soft skills necessary to sustainably live independently in the face of stagnant low-income wages, rising housing costs, and surprise costs. Family Promise NNCC serves homeless families, those that lack the soft skills necessary to live independently.  Family Promise NNCC works with families to develop soft skills such as budgeting, understanding tenant codes, navigating resources available, etc. These soft skills empower families served to obtain better jobs, secure housing, maintain their housing, and stabilize their communities.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

$25 keeps a family warm, it pays for bedding for a family in our shelter programs.

$100 keeps a family together, it pays for one night of needed shelter for a family when our capacity is full.

$500 helps sustain our shelter program, it offsets the cost of running our Hospitality Center.

$1,000 moves a family into housing, it pays for a family’s security deposit.

Charity Type: Homelessness, Social Services       


Description: FSAC provides Kent County with low-cost animal vaccinations, medical treatments, and spay, neuter services.  We house stray and surrendered animals and find adopters for furever homes.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 donation will feed 3 of our dogs for a day

$50 donation will feed 30 dogs for a day

$100 will feed all our shelter animals for a day 2 times a day with treats

Charity Type: Animals, Community       


Description: The Food Bank of Delaware distribute millions of pounds of food each year to the community through on-site food pantries, mobile food pantries and a network of hunger-relief partners throughout the state. Our five-acre farm in Newark provides a supply of fresh local produce for members of the community. In addition to immediate food assistance, we also provide hope for a better tomorrow through our workforce and community development programming. We offer job training in the areas of food service and warehousing/logistics, nutrition education, financial coaching through Stand By Me and benefits outreach.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$1 provides 3 meals for our neighbors.

$300 provides food for a full year for a child on the weekends and when school is not in session.

Charity Type: Children, Employment & Training Resources, Environment, Health, Senior Services, Social Services, Hunger


Description: The goal of Forgotten Cats, Inc. is to humanely reduce the feral cat population through Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate and Return( average of 1100 plus cats/month); give rabies vaccinations to prevent the spread of rabies and to provide humane education. We work closely with Delaware Animal Services. We also provide adoption services.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$100 provides for the Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate and Return of a female and male cat, preventing the birth of 2100 homeless cats within 4 years

Charity Type: Animals, Community, Education, Environment, Health    


Description: FAME, Inc. provides vital out-of-school educational opportunities/job exposure to students in grades K-12. The majority of students served come from Low to Moderate Income (LMI) households.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 provides 1 student with 1 week of educational supplies & materials

$50 provides 2 students with after-school STEM programming for 3 days a week for 5 weeks

$100 provides 35 students with science journals to record scientific & technology experiments

Charity Type: Education 


Description: Forward Journey is a day habilitation program for adults with multiple, severe disabilities. This agency began through the efforts of parents who, when their children turned 21 and considered adults, found no services available for them. Diverse stimulating programming is offered that includes community outings, adaptive games and sports, cooking/baking, instruction in history and current events, a comprehensive creative arts initiative and participation in MOVE®, a functional mobility program. The goal for each attendee is to achieve the maximum individual independence possible.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

All donations will offset programming expenses. Listed are specific amounts for

ongoing supplies and services.

$22 Four pack of specially designed spoons for feeding

$27 One gallon of Thicket to feed attendees needing thickened liquids

$37 One day of feeding tube bags

$50 Case of vinyl gloves

$60 One hour of physical therapy

$110 One Ablenet switch used for non-verbal communication with participants

$150 One half hour of pottery therapy

$150 One hour of music therapy

$248 One hour of art program activities by an artist

Charity Type: Disability Services        


Description: Friends of Bellevue actively organize and support recreational, educational and preservation activities throughout Bellevue and Fox Point State Park.  We have funded the restoration of most of the historic buildings at Bellevue, with an emphasis this year on restoration of the Mt Pleasant Schoolhouse along with developing and presenting the “story” of the schoolhouse. We have secured funds for restoration of the track, which encourages walking, biking, and running and we are refurbishing and adding to the workout stations along the track.   We support the summer camps and school programs for the health and wellness as well as learning opportunities for school age kids. We help fund the summer concert series which provides a fun family activity and supports the Arts. Friends are seeking grant funding for tree planting and developing plans for the restoration and preservation of Bellevue’s natural environment.  We support staff activities for team building and recognition.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$4-$8 per child We also provide funds for the fees for school programs which are $4-$8 per child.

$500 – We provide camp scholarships for underserved children to attend Bellevue’s summer camp program.

$1,200 We provide the stipend for summer interns.

Charity Type: Arts & Culture, Children, Community, Education, Environment, Health, Youth Development   


Description: Friends of Delaware Veterans provides financial assistance or grants to assist Delaware Honorably Discharged Veterans with emergency healthcare requirements, housing assistance, including utilities, and educational or training programs.  Veterans helping veterans.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Every donation helps provide emergency relief to veterans whether it is medical bills, mortgage payments, rent, car payments, and payments for utilities.

Charity Type: Veteran Services       


Description: The Friends of Killens Pond State Park provides scholarships for children to attend summer camps, funding for free summer concerts at the park, and funding projects to maintain a safe and pleasant facility.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$180 will sponsor a summer camper

$300 for defibrators

$2,000 for multiple summer concerts

Charity Type: Animals, Arts & Culture, Children, Community, Education, Environment, Youth Development  

Phone: (302)739-4111

Description: The Delaware Veterans Home is a long term care facility located in Milford. The Friends of the Delaware Veterans Home supports veterans that are living at the Home. The Friends of the Delaware Veterans Home raise funds to support and enhance the facilities, maintenance and operations of the Delaware Veterans Home for projects not funded by the Veterans Administration or the State of Delaware.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Contributions will enhance the lives of the Veterans living at the Veterans Home. In the past, the Friends of the Delaware Veterans Home have raised money for residents to receive newspapers, the building of a gazebo, a fishing pond and contributions towards the building of a Dental suite.

Charity Type: Military & Their Families, Veteran Services       


Description: Friendship House strives to unite people facing homelessness with loving, supportive communities they can call home. We assist all of Delaware through our main programs which include Transitional Housing, Clothing Bank, Empowerment Centers, Financial Assistance, and Winter Programming.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$50 can provide coffee, creamer, and sugar for 1 month of our Sunday Breakfast grab-and-go breakfast

$100 can provide 4 New Castle County their birth certificates

$250 can keep a family’s lights on through our Financial Assistance program

$500 can provide 10 New Castle County students new school uniform items

$1,000 accommodate a new resident in our Transitional Housing Program for a month while they focus solely on recovery.

Charity Type: Community, Homelessness       

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Description: Gift of Life Donor Program coordinates & educates on lifesaving organ and tissue donation/transplantation in DE. It provides essential outreach education on the critical need for organ and tissue transplantation.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Contributions will support public education in schools and materials in the OMV in DE, promoting lifesaving and life enhancing organ and tissue donation and transplantation.

Charity Type: Health        


Description: Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay provides leadership programs to girls in grades K-12th throughout the State of Delaware. Program focus is on STEM, outdoors, life skills, and entrepreneurship. The Girl Scout Leadership Experience is girl-led, girl-only, and designed specifically for girls. Our mission is to build girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 – registration fee for one low-income adult volunteers to join Girl Scouts

$45 – registration fee for one low-income girl to join Girl Scouts

$100 – will provide a STEM program to five girls

$275 – will send one girl to a Girl Scouts day camp for a week

$475 – will send one girl to a Girl Scouts resident camp for a week

Charity Type: Youth Development        


Description: Grass Roots Rescue is foster-based 501(c)(3) non-profit, dog rescue whose mission is to save stray, abandoned, shelter, and owner surrender dogs of all breeds and ages by placing them in qualified, caring, lifelong homes. We do not discriminate against any dog based on breed, age or medical condition.

We strive to be a resource for our community and pet owners by providing educational opportunities and information on responsible pet ownership, offering assistance with pet food, spay/neuter and emergency medical care as funding allows.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$10 pays for a microchip

$15 pays for a distemper/parvo vaccine

$25 pays for a rabies vaccine

$50 feeds a dog for a month

$150 pays to spay/neuter a dog

$250 pays to treat a dog with heartworms

Charity Type: Animals, Community    


Description: We are the community foundation for the greater Lewes area.  Our 80+ charitable funds, established by local people, benefit a wide range of programs and activities, such as Lewes in Bloom, Lewes Community Gardens, La Plaza, Cape Henlopen

Educational Foundation, plus many small business and individual giving funds and scholarships.  The GLF itself develops important local projects and raises funds for them, including Lewes Canalfront Park, Lewes Library and, currently, the Open Space Council thru which we are preserving 112 acres of valuable land within and adjacent to City limits.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

Our operating expenses are very modest – just 7% of income compared to 50% or more for most non-profits. Your gift will help support work on current projects, including restoration of the historic du Pont Nassau School at Five Points, support for the Prospect AME Church improvements in Georgetown, and assist Cape Community Cares, which provides funds to local lower income families in need.

Charity Type: Animals, Arts & Culture, Children, Community, Economic Development, Education, Employment & Training Resources, Environment, Health, Homelessness, Law Enforcement & Their Families, Senior Services, Social Services, Veteran Services, Youth Development

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Description: Since 1986, Habitat for Humanity of New Castle County (HFHNCC) has been making home more affordable for low-income families throughout New Castle County.  We are one of the largest Habitat for Humanity affiliates in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic out of over 200 affiliates.  Our impact spans beyond traditional affordable housing programs.  We have programs to fit the vast housing needs of those we serve, such as affordable homeownership opportunities, critical home repairs and maintenance, appliance replacement, and neighborhood revitalization. Over the past 35 years, we have created over 280 affordable homeownership opportunities, preserved homeownership for over 200 households, lowered household energy costs for over 300 families, and served over 1,100 community residents.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Every dollar raised goes towards providing affordable housing solutions for  low-income families in New Castle County.

Charity Type: Community, Environment, Health, Senior Services, Social Services, Housing


Description: Harrington Senior Center provides services, socialization, meals, educational, and recreational classes on a variety of topics for seniors. We are also offering a variety of virtual programming opportunities as well on Facebook Live, Zoom, and via email. We take educational and recreational trips geared toward seniors. All of these opportunities help keep their mind and bodies active which allows them to live independently longer.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$6 a day helps provide a Senior with a free meal either in-person or through our Grab-N-Go lunch program.

$10 a month helps provide food for our food bank to help our seniors with food cost.

$25 a month helps provide supplies for our monthly birthday parties and other special holiday parties.

Charity Type: Senior Services


Description: Founded in 2008, Healthy Foods for Healthy Kids’ goal is to serve all schools that wish to have a school vegetable garden and to equip teachers, school administration and nutrition services staff, and all students with the knowledge, tools and ability to grow their own food through plant-based science. HFHK’s “Education Cultivation” program serves a diverse population of over 22,000 students and partners with over 50 schools statewide throughout Delaware, primarily in grades K-8.

Our mission is to inspire healthier lives by providing youth with joyful school gardening experiences and opportunities to eat the garden-fresh vegetables they’ve grown. Our vision is a vegetable garden in every school, leading to generations of healthy families throughout Delaware.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

It costs approx. $19 per student per year to implement and run the program during 2 growing seasons. With over 22,000 students participating, your help is needed! Programming efforts include garden builds, individualized teacher training, “Education Cultivation” curriculum access, garden maintenance and trouble shooting, tools, planting kits, seeds and compost.

Charity Type: Children, Education, Environment, Health, Agriculture    


Description: Hilltop offers a variety of programs and services to predominantly low-income children and families.  Some of the programs and services are: Early Care and Education (Early Head Start and ECAP), School-Age (Before and After Care, Evening Enrichment and Summer Camp programs), Tutoring, Sports Teams, Beauty Camp, Field Trips, Social Service Referrals, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Home Visits, Parent Committee and Policy Council.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$90 would cover the cost of a field trip for 3 preschool children.

$120 would pay for a monthly DART bus pass for a family to get their child to Hilltop. $150.55 will send a child to summer camp for a week.

$208.25 would cover the tuition for a toddler for a week.

$600 would help to cover the cost of 1 bus for a local summer camp field trip.

Charity Type: Children, Community, Education, Youth Development     


Description: People care deeply about not only their pet cats, but also about the “free-roaming” cats outside.  People receive comfort from our guidance and financial consideration and assistance for all of our Low-Cost services, especially for spay/neuter and surrender/adoption.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$6 can provide distemper shots to 2 kittens

$10 can provide a rabies shot to 1 adult

$25 can provide an 18 lb. bag of cat food to a low-income family

$60 can neuter a male cat, or subsidize a female spay

Charity Type: Animals, Community


Description: Hope Dining Room provides a midday meal Monday through Friday to all those in need, no questions asked.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$50 donation will provide 12 meals to those in need

Charity Type: Community, Health, Hunger      


Description: The Weston Senior Center benefits many residents of the state of Delaware through our programs and services. These programs and services range from a nutrition program, health and fitness classes and screening, social and recreational programs, intergenerational activitites, adult day care services and outreach and referrals.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Contributions from the SECC could provide all of (but not limited to) the following services:

State employee contributions will help in many ways. A $3.00 donation can provide a lunch for a senior citizen unable to afford one; a $4.00 donation can cover the cost of an exercise or fitness class for a member; a $3.00 donation can cover the purchase of a coat or article of clothing from our clothes closet. Additionally, donations can be used to provide activities or purchase supplies for our center.

Charity Type: Senior Services        


Description: Humane Animal Partners is committed to connecting people with animals, building strong relationships to better the community, and preventing cruelty to animals. These pillars are brought to life through programs that provide shelter and adoption for unwanted and homeless pets, reduce pet overpopulation through affordable spay/neuter, and enable pet retention by providing low-cost veterinary services. We are a statewide organization committed to creating a welcoming and accessible culture for visitors, staff, and volunteers. We strive to be an organization for all people and animals.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

$10 provides 1 animal with a microchip so that, if lost, the pet can be reunited with his family

$25 funds a month’s supply of tasty and nutritious food for a cat

$50 feeds a mama dog and her puppies in foster care for one week

$150 prepares 3 animals for adoption (vaccines, microchips, and flea/tick preventatives)

$250 provides 15 families in need with a month of pet food via our community pet food pantry

Charity Type: Animals        

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Description: Independent Resources, Inc, is a statewide non-profit agency that provides an array of quality services to people with disabilities by assisting them in achieving and

maintaining independent lives. The organization’ s mission is to support and advocate for people with disabilities as they transition to independent living, obtain meaningful employment, and participate in social and support group events. IRI can assist and be the contact for the clients, their families and community in locating available services, housing, transportation, and transition services.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Funds will be used to facilitate peer support programs, Pre-Employment training and education, Deaf and hard of Hearing services, services to Person with Visual Impairments, business development programs, and case management services.

Charity Type: Community, Disability Services, Economic Development, Education, Employment & Training Resources, Health, Homelessness, Senior Services, Social Services, Veteran Services, Youth Development    


Description: Ingleside Homes, Inc. provides affordable housing, healthcare and supportive social services to low-moderate income seniors. Programs include:

  • 1971 – Ingleside Retirement Homes (IRA) – HUD 236 – 208 independent living, apartments for seniors, with 40+ supportive social services, transportation, 3 meals per day.
  • 2006 – Ingleside Assisted Living (IAL) – 60 units, any medically qualified senior, regardless of annual income amount can live at IAL using Medicaid Waiver.
  • 2005 – Ingleside Home Healthcare (IHHC) – Rate adjusted assistance with activities of daily living, sliding scale fee, or no cost for services so that residents maintain their dignity.
  • 1998 – Ingleside Senior Services (ISS) – Community outreach and minor home repairs for isolated seniors throughout Delaware; in partnership with NCC, the City of Wilmington, Delaware
  • 2020 – H. Fletcher Brown Mansion Apartments -(HFBM) 35 HUD section 202 independent apartments for seniors (HFBM).
  • 1990 – Down’s Cultural Center – Free Senior-focused activities and program

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 provides three hot meals per day

$15 a month provide transportation for a senior to/from medical appointments

$50 a month provides home health care, bathing, dressing, and apartment cleaning

$500 Provides a warm, safe apartment with 3 meals per day for one month

Charity Type: Disability Services, Health, Homelessness, Senior Services, Social Services     


Description: The Inner City Cultural League Inc (ICCL) started in the 1970s as a youth athletic organization formed to address the lack of activities for youth in Dover. In 1994 the organization changed to focus on arts and culture. ICCL provides opportunities for  at-risk youth and their families in Kent County, and particularly Dover, to learn of and participate in performing arts primarily related to Africa and African American cultures. Programming also includes technology, health and wellness. ICCL seeks to engage all members of the community and incorporates cross cultural programming into activities and events. ICCL also seeks to foster positive personal, educational and social development in the community.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 can provides healthy snacks for youth for a week

$20 can provide dance or music lessons for a youth for one month

$25 can support the community health & wellness program

$50 provides support for cultural community events such as the African American Festival, and Martin Luther King Jr. Day Program

Charity Type: Arts & Culture, Children, Community, Youth Development     

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Description: The Kent County Conservancy is dedicated to the conservation of agricultural and forest lands, historical and cultural preservation, and natural resource and ecosystem protection, in order to improve the economic character and quality of life for all residents.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

The Conservancy protects and conserves lands within Kent County Delaware for perpetuity. Donated funds will help maintain the protected and conserved lands by removing invasive plants, trash, and debris, and by improving habitat for our native flora and fauna.

Charity Type: Community, Education, Environment      


Description: A private nonprofit organization whose mission is to maximize the employability of individuals with disabilities by providing greater access to training, employment, community integration, and transportation opportunities.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$10 would provide a warm nutritious meal for three people with disabilities receiving services at KSI

$25 would create an opportunity for one person with disabilities to access programming for one day

Charity Type: Disability Services, Employment & Training Resources


Description: Kind to Kids Foundation’s signature program, UGrad Academy, helps foster children from first grade through college to succeed with their education, graduate from high school and college, and transition to young adulthood. We give vital mentoring and support. Our program achieves

high school graduation rates for foster teens of 97%, dramatically above the national average of 56% and one of the highest rates in the nation. Our Help A Kid support services bring loving kindness and support to children who have endured trauma with My Blue Duffel emergency care kits, gifts on birthdays and holidays and life experiences that enable children to overcome trauma and understand their place in the world.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$10 will buy a foster youth school supplies as they enter the start of the year and replenished mid-year.

$25 will buy duffel bags and items of comfort, such as, bears, blankets, books, toiletries, and warm wear to aid children as they navigate from abusive homes to foster care.

$50 will buy backpacks and supplies.

$100 will buy gifts, books and toiletry supplies for the holiday season and birthday celebrations.

$1000 will fund advocates, transportation for foster youth, iPads and Wi-Fi, school supplies, incentives, therapeutic and craft items.

Charity Type: Children, Education, Social Services, Youth Development, Children in Foster Care

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Description: La Esperanza is a bi-cultural, bilingual multi-service nonprofit agency in Sussex County providing free culturally and linguistically appropriate services in youth and family development, immigration, and victim services for Latinx individuals and families.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$10 notarizes two documents needed for important applications for benefits

$100 pays for refreshments at 3 outreach events with partners in area libraries

$200 pays for 4 cases of paper, which can be made into 2,000 flyers for outreach in the community

Charity Type: Community, Education, Health, Homelessness, Social Services, Youth Development, Latinos Immigrants   


Description: As a Federally Qualified Health Center, LRHC provides bilingual, culturally appropriate, high-quality, cost-effective, primary, and preventive medical care to all residents of Sussex County, Delaware with emphasis on serving those who are underinsured, uninsured, or who face other barriers to medical care. LRHC’s medical services are available to all individuals regardless of gender, age, race, ethnic origin, religion, language, sexual orientation, or ability to pay. Over 50% of LRHC’s patients live at or below 200% of the federal poverty level and qualify for our sliding fee scale which assesses patient fees based on annual federal poverty guidelines predicated on annual income and family size. The vast majority of LRHC’s uninsured patients meet the criteria for our nominal payment of $30 per family practice visit and $50 per dental visit — significantly less than then the local market for such services.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 gift will help La Red Health Center provide prenatal care, child wellness and family strengthening programs

$50 gift will help pay for an E.K.G.

$100 gift will help pay for a one-month supply of medication for an uninsured patient

$150 gift will help provide emergency cash to individuals experiencing a personal crisis

$250 gift will help provide specialty medical services for patients with high -risk conditions

Charity Type: Health        


Description: The mission of the Latin American Community Center (LACC) is to empower the Latino Community through education, advocacy, partnerships, and exceptional services. Our vision is a thriving Latino community.

The LACC provides holistic wraparound programs and services as well as advocates for low-income children, youth and families in a bilingual, safe and culturally-specific environment. The LACC offers more than 30 programs in two strategically focused tracks: Lifelong Learning, which offers a broad spectrum of educational services from ages 6 weeks to 18 years, and Life Empowerment, which helps low- and moderate- income (LMI) minority individuals and families achieve or re-establish self-sufficiency. Agency programs include, but are not limited to, La Fiesta Early Development Center, Before and After School Community Learning Centers, English as a Second Language, Food Closet, Workforce Development, Financial Literacy, Los Abuelos Senior Program, Domestic Violence Prevention, HIV Early Intervention Program, and Case Management.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$15 can provide one week of scholarship for one child enrolled in LACC programming

$20 will feed a family of 4 for 3 days

$50 can provide a family with a immigration consultation

$500 can help prevent a family from eviction

Charity Type: Children, Community, Education, Employment & Training Resources, Health, Senior Services, Social Services, Youth Development

Phone: (302)875-2536

Description: The services Laurel Senior Center focuses on individuals over the age of 50. As community focal point on aging, we strive to bring older persons together to enhance dignity, support, independence & encourage involvement in and with the neighboring communities.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Funding received from contributions of state employees is used for the nutrition program. We serve 2 areas (Laurel & Delmar) daily which consist of 66-77 people whom depend on this program. Every dollar collected helps supplement the meal program to those who cannot afford to pay. Every $100 donation will feed one senior 39 meals.

Charity Type: Senior Services        


Description: LYTE believes educational success is foundational to lifelong success. LYTE changes the trajectory of under-represented youth by preparing middle school students to attend and succeed at competitive high school programs and then colleges, by providing personal mentoring, rigorous academic instruction, and leadership opportunities. 

LYTE’s core belief is that educational success forms a strong foundation for life success, but academic opportunities and the supports needed to excel are often not equitably available. LYTE’s programming levels the playing field for economically underserved students of color, a critical need in Delaware. LYTE helps middle school students push through the achievement gap by providing after-school and summer advancing classes, tutoring, “school skills,” and test prep that catapults our Scholars to success. Our Scholars get into competitive, highly ranked high school programs and LYTE continues to support them throughout high school by preparing them to pursue college degrees that fit their goals. 

LYTE currently serves 500 Scholars — 52% are below the poverty level, 79% are low- to moderate-income, 70% are African American, and 20% are Latine. Typically, Scholars join LYTE the summer after 7th grade and continue programming until they graduate high school. Almost all of our Scholars will be the first generation to attend college in their families. To date, 100% of LYTE Scholars have graduated high school and 100% have been accepted to college, with most Scholars having a majority of their educational expenses paid through grants, scholarships, and financial aid.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$10 can send a care package to one of our LYTE Alumni college students. 

$25 can pay for one LYTE Scholar to participate in our Practice Interview Event. The Scholar will be matched with a business professional to work on interview preparation and conduct mock interview scenarios. 

$50 can pay for one LYTE Scholar to go on our annual College Trip. The Scholar will get to visit the campuses of multiple regional schools, with transportation and food included. 

$75 can pay for multiple in-person, one-on-one meetings with a LYTE Scholar and their LYTE Advocate. LYTE Advocates help Scholars with academic schedule planning, setting SMART goals, creating personalized success plans, college application support, and more. 

$125 can pay for one of our senior Scholars to complete FAFSA.

$500 can pay for one of our Scholars to participate in LYTE’s Career Pipeline Program. In this program, Scholars are able to access field trips, professional networks and development, resume building workshops, career panels, and paid internship opportunities in a career field of interest to them. 

$2,500 can pay for one LYTE Scholar to participate in all LYTE programming for an entire year. Those who donate $2,500 or more are considered “LYTE Sponsors.” Sponsors receive four letters each year from the Scholar they sponsor.

Charity Type: Community, Disability Services, Economic Development, Education, Employment & Training Resources, Health, Homelessness, Senior Services, Social Services, Veteran Services, Youth Development    


Description: Our unique nonprofit serves those affected with substance use disorder and mental health diagnoses to achieve long-term sobriety and wellness while building an on-ramp to a life worth living. For the past 50 years, Limen Recovery + Wellness has provided sober living homes for our patients recovering from substance use disorder. Building upon our history, Limen Recovery + Wellness services are designed to empower our patients to transform their lives in an environment that radiates compassion and loving concern. The aim is proper restoration- a new life restored to families, the community, and society.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 – Purchases gas for the van to get to a 12 step meeting

$50 – Provide staff training to keep our level of care excellent

$100 – Purchases groceries for a meal in each our homes

$500 –Grants a scholarship session of mental health counseling for an uninsured clients

Charity Type: Community, Homelessness, Social Services      


Description: Literacy Delaware trains volunteers to teach adults reading below the 6th grade level and adults needing to improve their English language skills. Improved skills empowers them to become more self-sufficient and productive workers, involved family members, and engaged community members.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

$50 can provide yearly assessment for 1 adult learner

$75 can provide textbooks for 1 adult learner

$125 can provide toner for the office printer

$500 can pay the costs for a conversation class

Charity Type: Community, Education       


Description: The mission of the LFA is to improve the quality of life for all those affected by lupus through programs of education, research, support and advocacy. Programs in Delaware include: support groups, Lupus 101 programs, Living Well with Lupus Seminar, state advocacy on behalf of all those living with lupus, research to find a cure, improved treatments and what causes lupus, and a grant in aid program that supports those in financial need.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$50 provides 5 people with admission to Living Well with Lupus Seminar

$200 provides for a Guggenheim Grant in Aid award

$1,000 supports local researchers to help find a cure for lupus

Charity Type: Health


Description: Last year, LCS welcomed 15,534 visits to our pantries and food distributions, serving 30,311 people with enough food to make over 300,000 meals. Our Delaware Food Farmacy made 1,724 deliveries of medically tailored food (“food as medicine”) to patients with chronic diseases. We helped 663 households/1,849 people with back rent and utilities, administering over $2.2 million in financial aid.  Our smoking cessation services, in partnership with Delaware Quitline, assists thousands to quit smoking.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$10 allows us to deliver food for 5 medically tailored meals for the Delaware Food Farmacy

$25 will pay for a gift card to a senior who needs some extra help

$350 helps pays an average utility bill to prevent power from being shut off

$750 – $1,000 helps pay an average month rent to avoid homelessness

Charity Type: Community, Health, Social Services      

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Description: Persons over age 50 can avail themselves of MOT Senior Center transportation, outreach (assistance), support services, education regarding health issues, emergency assistance with bills, health and wellness programs and exercise classes – as well as our early memory loss program. Programs are designed to help seniors maintain health and stay independent in the community for as long as safely possible.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 can provide 2 hot balanced meals for seniors

$7 provides 2 local transportation trips

$8 provides a senior with 2 weeks of structured exercise classes with a certified


$10 will provide 2 trips to medical appointments or physical therapy

$20 covers a yearlong membership for a senior to the senior center

$25 provides a bag of groceries to a senior and family

Charity Type: Disability Services, Health, Senior Services, Social Services     


Description: Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. A wish journey – and all the steps along the way – provides a powerful experience that can help children build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight their illnesses.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 can help provide pet supplies for a child who requested a puppy

$50 can help fund items for a child’s shopping spree

$100 can help support a child’s request for a computer

$200 can help fund airfare for a child traveling to Disney World

Charity Type: Children, Community, Health, Critical Services     


Description: The Mary Campbell Center provides hone and heart for people with disabilities.

Charity Type: Children, Community, Disability Services, Health, Social Services, Youth Development   


Description: Many of our elderly neighbors are eagerly waiting for a lunchtime knock on their door. Due to illness, disability financial hardship or advancing years these vulnerable seniors are unable to prepare meals for themselves. When asked about the program they respond overwhelmingly that the meals and person contact made a positive impact on their quality of life. Since our formal charter in 1996, we have focused on ensuring these men and women can continue to feel secure about their next meal.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Meals on Wheels Delaware supports the 5 meal programs throughout the whole State of Delaware. We ensure they have the funds to continue the preparation or the delivery of meals.  Additionally we supply funding for the support of the programs which includes meal delivery bags, meals supplements, and some kitchen equipment which are breaking down due to the age of the equipment. We also fund mileage reimbursement, and gift cards to show appreciation for the volunteers who dedicate their time to the seniors of Delaware.

Charity Type: Health, Senior Services, Social Services      


Description: Meals on Wheels of Lewes-Rehoboth provides hot nutritious meals daily to Eastern Sussex County (Rehoboth, Lewes, Dewey Beach, Harbeson & Milton).  Our mission is to feed the homebound and to reduce the alternative of institutionalization.  All recipients receive nutrition counseling by our Registered Dietitian and referrals for additional in-home services are made as needed.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$6.50 can provide one hot meal to a homebound senior client.

Charity Type: Health, Senior Services       


Description: MHDC’s Home Repair Program (HRP) provides emergency home repairs to eliminate unexpected and immediate threats to life, health, and safety in homes of low to very-low Delaware homeowners.  The program is a vital resource for senior citizens and persons with disabilities who often face major affordability and accessibility challenges.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 donation can replace a new front door lock to keep a family safe

$50 donation weather strips a home to keep warm air in and cold air out

$100 donation insulates an attic to keep families warm

$250 donation provides necessary roof repairs to keep families dry

Charity Type: Community, Health       


Description: Emmanuel Dining Room serves daily, nutritious meals to the poor and hungry at no cost and with no questions asked. Three Emmanuel Dining Room locations feed 400 to 600 hungry individuals every day- more than 140,000 meals each year. The program serves as a gateway to the Ministry’s full continuum of care programming.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Volunteer groups from more than 80 churches, synagogues, businesses and civic groups prepare and serve at Emmanuel Dining Room. Volunteer groups are always welcome and are an essential part of the Ministry’s mission. Emmanuel Dining Room embodies the Ministry conviction that the poor should never be treated poorly, but rather with love, dignity, and respect.

Charity Type: Homelessness    


Description: Modern Maturity Center, Inc. provides social, recreational, educational and nutrition programs and services for older adults, age 50 and older. Adult day services, early memory loss program, employment training, volunteer program, fitness center and pool also available. Contracted nutrition agency for Kent County – Meals on Wheels and congregate meals at six sites.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$100 will provide a month of hot nutritious meals to an at-risk senior in Kent County.

Charity Type: Senior Services        

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Description: The National Multiple Sclerosis society, Delaware chapter supports national research and provides: education about MS, referrals, counseling, support groups, financial assistance, professional education and many additional services.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$50 could provide round-trip transportation to a medical appointment

$100 could help purchase a walker or shower chair

$250 could fund a transport chair, accessible transportation to a medical appointment, or a portable ramp

Charity Type: Disability Services, Health, Social Services      


Description: The Nature Conservancy is working to protect vulnerable communities from the impact of natural disasters caused by climate change, such as sea level rises and frequent heavy storms, by working throughout the Delaware Bayshore landscape

to advance coastal resilience and climate adaptation.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Contributions will support the Delaware community by mitigating flooding, which can damage infrastructure, homes and personal property as well as ruin agricultural fields. TNC aims to ensure that important coastal habitats persist, and residents are protected from disasters.

TNC began work on a Coastal Resiliency Roadmap for Kent and Sussex counties, both of which support a series of small, low-lying communities located near the coast or tidal waters that are highly vulnerable to sea level rise. The roadmap will build capacity, awareness and support for land protection work, in addition to assembling a coalition of local and regional partners who are committed to scaling up the impact and addressing the needs of vulnerable coastal communities.

Charity Type: Environment    


Description: NeighborGood Partners’ (formerly NCALL) mission is to strengthen communities through housing, lending, and education. We provide homeownership counseling, financial education, and foreclosure prevention services to low- to moderate-income consumers statewide. The NeighborGood Partners Loan Fund and Real Estate Development Department are intermediaries throughout the Delmarva Peninsula offering community development, capital, technical, and management support to nonprofits. We believe every person has the right to live where they desire in a safe, quality, affordable home.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$10 contribution will enable a hopeful Delaware future homeowner to attend a virtual Housing Counseling Orientation Workshop.

A generous monthly gift of $10 using payroll deduction ($120 total) can save as many as 9 people in the Restoring Central Dover neighborhood revitalization area from an opioid overdose.

Charity Type: Community, Economic Development, Housing, Financial


Description: Neighborhood House, provides services and programs to it’s community and Delawareans that educate, enlighten, and empower the residents of Delaware. Our programs include, but are not limited to Daycare, Housing Counseling, Financial Literacy, Youth Development, Emergency Financial and Food Assistance, Crisis Alleviation.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Every dollar you give will help to prevent homelessness, will help to feed a hungry child, and/or provide help with daycare for working parents.

Charity Type:Arts & Culture, Children, Community, Economic Development, Education, Employment & Training Resources, Homelessness, Youth Development 


Description: Newark Day Nursery and Children’s Center provides developmentally appropriate early childhood education and school age care in a warm, creative, and safe environment. We deliver high quality education for children regardless of family income. This is especially crucial for the many low income families we serve to ensure they reach appropriate developmental milestones before entering kindergarten. By reducing the economic disparity that often inhibits children from reaching their full potential, our center creates an environment that provides equal access to the essential building blocks needed for success.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$175 can provide 1 week of educational, enriching, and fun summer camp experience for children between the ages of six and fourteen.

Charity Type: Children, Education, Youth Development      


Description: A full-service agency for adults 50 and older, offering educational, wellness, fitness activities, a nutritional midday meal as well as meals for the homebound and information and referral services. The Newark Senior Center provides transportation and program offerings for those in the early stages of memory loss.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$10 can provide transportation for a week

$15 can provide lunch for a week

$25 can provide physical fitness activity for a month

$30 can provide unlimited fitness access to the therapeutic pool, fitness center and exercise classes

$33 can provide a membership to the senior center for one year

Charity Type: Community, Education, Health, Senior Services, Social Services    


Description: Noah’s Animal Rescue Center shares our love through animal rescue, rehabilitation and community education programs.  We focus on four main programs at Noah’s ARC: Education, Trap/Neuter/Return, Rescue/Rehab/Long-term care & having in-house therapy animals.  We also facilitate a volunteer program that allows people in the community the opportunity to learn to care for the animals as well as spend time with them.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 – Wormer for one horse

$10 – One dog enrichment toy

$15 – One bag of horse feed

$35 – One feral cat spay/neuter and rabies shot

$45 – One prescription for a special needs dog

$55 – One vet visit for a dog or cat

$75 – One month of horse feed

$100 – Two prescription allergy shots for a special needs dog

$260 – One supper camp experience for a child from a low income family

$300 – Dental care for one horse

$400 – One month of hay for our therapeutic riding horses

Charity Type: Animals, Children, Community, Education,     

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Description: Operation Warm brings warmth, confidence, and hope to children in need through brand-new winter coats and shoes. In 2022, we served 8,254 Delaware children through partner schools and organizations. Our coats and shoes connect families in need to other essential services like food banks, wellness clinics, vaccinations, literacy tools, and more. Children receiving a new coat or shoes will experience less bullying and improved emotional health, allowing them to focus on their studies in school.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 provides a new winter coat and

$20 provides a pair of new sneakers to a child in need, fostering school attendance on cold winter days, socialization with their peers, and healthy outdoor play with pride.

$600 gifts coats or shoes to an entire elementary school class. The gift of a brand-new coat or pair of shoes to a child means emotional warmth, the confidence to socialize and succeed, and hope of a brighter future.

Charity Type: Children        

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Description: The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary connects people, science, and nature for a healthy Delaware River & Bay. A healthy, thriving estuary provides clean water, recreational activities, and jobs for local residents.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$75 sponsors one teacher to attend our summer educator’s workshop, where they can learn creative ways to bring ‘estuary and science education’ to their classrooms.

$130 can purchase the materials needed for 1 linear foot of living shoreline, that help reduce erosion, provide habitat for animals, and improve water quality.

Charity Type: Education, Environment       


Description: People’s Place offers shelter/treatment for victims of domestic violence, residential/independent living services for youth in foster care, shelter for homeless, mental health counseling, mediation, case management, and veterans services to 9,000 people annually.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 per pay period ($650 per year) will ensure that seven working-poor, under-insured or non-insured clients can receive counseling.

$10 per pay period ($260 per year) will ensure that an individual with no place to go can find shelter in a safe and warm environment.

$5 per pay period ($130 per year) ensures that a child dealing with domestic violence can meet with a Child Therapist for five sessions.

$2 per pay period ($52 per year) will purchase bus passes to help veterans keep appointments get to work, or pick-up groceries.

Charity Type: Children, Community, Health, Homelessness, Social Services, Veteran Services   


Description: PAWS for People (PAWS) is the region’s largest provider of pet-assisted therapy. Driven by scientifically proven evidence plus actual PAWS pet therapy visit results, we strive to provide pet therapy benefits statewide to help Delawareans who need our wide range of programs and individualized, therapeutic experiences.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$10 provides a short leash to allow a person we visit to “assist” in walking PAWS therapy pet – providing numerous developmental and wellness benefits

$25 provides supplies to help PAWS pet therapy teams actively engage elders in Memory Care-increasing important connection and engagement

$50 provides “scholarship” funding to arrange a Special Request PAWS pet therapy visit to a person in need of an interactive visit

$75 provides Pre-K PAWS interactive educational program material for PAWS pet therapy teams to use during visits

Charity Type: Animals, Children, Education, Health, Social Services, Youth Development  


Description: The Pilot School works with children with learning differences by providing the strategic tools, structure and guidance need to achieve. Pilot creates an individualized curriculum for each student and incorporates physical, occupational, speech and music therapy into each student’s day. With a 5: 1 student-to-teacher ratio, Pilot is able to address the specific learning profile of every child in our program. We support students’ struggles and amplify their strengths simultaneously. In addition to being intellectually challenged and academically supported, our students learn the metacognitive practices necessary to become self-aware, independent thinkers. Our graduates know that because they learn differently, they also think differently, and this asset-oriented mindset propels them to remarkable success.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

Charity Type: Children, Education, Youth Development, Learning Differences     


Description: Planned Parenthood of Delaware provides comprehensive reproductive health care and sexuality education to people in Delaware. We also advocate to ensure all Delawareans’ right to access these services.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$60 will help cover the cost of a pregnancy test and exam for an uninsured person

$100 will help pay for one safer sex demonstration kit to be used for community education

$150 will help cover the cost of lifesaving STD testing and treatment

$300 will help cover the cost of annual gynecological exam and birth control counseling

Charity Type: Community, Health       


Description: To protect the health of humans and animals, and the beauty of our communities, Plastic Free Delaware strives to eliminate the scourge of single-use plastic pollution, and to build a culture of zero waste in Delaware through educational programs, awareness building, and policy initiatives. The annual YES! (Delaware Youth Environmental Summit) ( and the Delaware Community Composting initiative are two of our key programs.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$10 provides a book on plastic pollution and waste for a child

$50 sends a high school student to the YES! summit (Delaware Youth Environmental Summit) $100 supports a membership in a co-op for community composting

Charity Type: Animals, Education, Environment, Health, Youth Development      


Description: Preservation Delaware is the statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of Delaware’s architectural heritage and historic settings through education, public policy initiatives and technical assistance.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 provides funding for educational webinars and annual preservation conference

Charity Type: Arts & Culture, Community, Economic Development, Education, Environment, History      


Description: Prevent Child Abuse Delaware is leading efforts to prevent child abuse and neglect by engaging in public education, training and school-based prevention education services.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Every dollar received can provide a school student in Delaware with a B.E. S.M.A.R.T. activity book that he/she can share with caregivers to reinforce learning about personal body safety and being safe from child abuse. These workbooks are designed to be utilized with PCAD’s B.E. S.M.A.R.T. school-based programs. During these programs, the activity books are used to teach students skills to increase safety and reduce risk related to child abuse as well as what to do if someone is being hurt. The books are then sent home to encourage caregivers to reinforce the messages shared at school. Information about the program, activities to do with children, ways to keep them safe and resources are included in the books.

Charity Type: Children, Education, Child Abuse Prevention      


Description: Purr-fect Haven Cat Rescue is a private not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) no-kill organization created in 2005 that improves cat welfare though education, adoption, medical and social rehabilitation, and spay and neuter. We are based in Dover, Delaware.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 can feed a cat or kitten for a week

$10 pays for a distemper vaccine

$25 pays for a rabies vaccine

$50 pays to neuter a cat

$70 pays to spay a cat

Charity Type: Animals        

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Description: Read Aloud Delaware’s mission is to create a life-long impact through early childhood literacy. Our vision is for every child in Delaware to have the foundational literary skills needed to succeed in school and life. We work towards those goals through our volunteer reading program, which places hundreds of volunteers in child care centers throughout Delaware reading to kinds one-on-one, as well as other programs offered.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$2,400 keeps one reading placement staffed with volunteers and supplies for a year

$300 ensures that 10 children are read to for a year

$100 to recruit, screen, train, support and manage one volunteer for a year

$30 to read to one child for a year

Charity Type: Children, Education       


Description: Based in our historic setting and working in partnership with other organizations throughout the region, the Rehoboth Art League leads in sponsoring art exhibitions, education and other programs that inspire all community members to embrace the lifelong value of art.

The Rehoboth Art League was formed in 1938 in Henlopen Acres, Delaware, as a place where artists could teach, gather, and exhibit their work. Our campus in coastal Delaware offers classes to members and non-members alike, educating people in traditional art forms, including oil and acrylic painting, watercolor, drawing, and pottery, but also offers digital photography and art history survey classes. Our organization is also well-known for its arts driven events, which work to engage the community with creative practices essential to a healthy life. Our Visual Arts Outreach program takes education to the far reaches of Southern Delaware, and provides free arts enrichment experiences to underserved communities, including children living at the poverty level, home-bound seniors, and developmentally disabled adults. Our 3.5+ acre campus, five buildings, and historic elements—including our Fine Art Collection of artwork and antiquities encompassing nearly 1,000 pieces—have become an integral part of the Art League’s identity and character, and thus an important part of our program services to the community. Our galleries, historic buildings, and gardens are always free and open to the public and our work impacts more than 30,000 community members annually.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

$10 provides free arts instruction to a child from a low-income family

$50 provides an artist’s award for an exhibition in our galleries

$75 funds a live model for RAL’s weekly sketch group

$100 supports annual plantings in RAL’s historic garden

$250 allows a low-income child to attend art camp for the week

Charity Type: Arts & Culture        


Description: The Ronald McDonald House of Delaware serves families with seriously ill children by enabling access to medical care and providing a place that offers comfort, hope and togetherness. No family is turned away due to an inability to pay.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$15 provides a night’s stay for one family.

Charity Type: Children, Community, Health      

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Description: St Patrick’s Center is a social service organization dedicated to bringing resources to a neighborhood with the State’s highest poverty rate. Every weekday we distribute a hot breakfast, clothes, laundry, and showers to the homeless, groceries to families, and community and activities for seniors. All free of charge to the public. All of our programs include access to our Social Workers who will connect people to other public and private resources they may qualify for.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

$50 can provide 25 meals to Delawareans.

$150 can feed a family of four for a week.

Charity Type: Homelessness, Senior Services, Social Services, Food Pantry    


Description: The Shepherd Place is an emergency shelter assisting families and single female adults. Case management, food, clothing, workshops and all services provided at no cost to the client.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Your contribution will assist with food and housing for hundreds of single mothers and fathers with children, full families and singe ladies over the age of 18. Emergency Housing for people who need a home – not just a shelter. For people who need to feel loved and build self-esteem again, for people who need to feel a family atmosphere.

Charity Type: Children, Family       


Description: Shoes That Fit’s mission is to tackle one of the most visible signs of poverty in America by giving children in need new athletic shoes to attend school with dignity and joy, prepared to learn, play, and thrive.

A new pair of shoes can be a life-changing event for a child. School attendance, self-esteem, and behavior improve. Physical activity increases. Smiles return. All from an often-overlooked item—a good pair of shoes. Our vision is that, one day, every child in America who needs new shoes gets new shoes, allowing all children the opportunity to reach their highest potential.

In Delaware, Shoes That Fit is the only non-profit that partners with schools in Kent, Sussex and New Castle Counties to provide new, brand name sneakers for students in need at no cost.  Schools and families acknowledge how valuable this support is, given the cost of new sneakers and the need for new ones at least once a year as children outgrow them.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Shoes That Fit’s Delaware Chapter provides new, brand name sneakers to homeless and low-income students in Kent, New Castle and Sussex counties.  Our organization has been providing this unique service for 25 years, working closely with homeless liaisons and family crisis therapists in schools to identify, measure and order sneakers for their students in need.  The sneakers are delivered directly to the school for discreet distribution to the student. There is no cost to the schools or families for the sneakers.

$30 provides new, brand name sneakers to students of any age.

Charity Type: Children, Homelessness, Youth Development       


Description: The mission of Special Olympics Delaware is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for more than 4,200 children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$30 equips a basketball team with 5 practice basketballs

$50 provides a set of flag football belts to a flag football team

$100 sends 4 athletes to the state bowling tournament

$250 covers the cost of track and field uniforms for 10 athletes

Charity Type: Community, Disability Services, Health, Youth Development


Description: The mission of Spur Impact is just that—empowering emerging leaders to “spur impact” and transform their communities through professional and organizational development. Spur Impact supports strong regional workforce development and talent retention initiatives. Our primary initiatives, the #MILLSUMMIT and Delaware Gives, are focused on developing emerging leaders and empowering them to make a bigger impact to help transform their careers and communities, including by helping strengthen the pipeline of future leaders in our region. We are also focused on connecting these leaders with each other, as well as with other community and nonprofit leaders to help build better relationships and strengthen the philanthropic ecosystem. The Delaware Gives™ platform is used by hundreds of Delaware nonprofit organizations to raise more unrestricted dollars from their supporters through crowdfunding and other fundraising-focused events.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution:

$100 will enable an emerging leader who is otherwise unable to afford leadership and professional training to attend events such as the #MILLSUMMIT, which are designed to help them grow professionally and personally as well as meet and network with other emerging leaders

Charity Type: Economic Development, Employment & Training Resources       


Description: St. Michael’s School has been caring for and educating the city of Wilmington’s youngest children for 133 years. We are a quality early care and education center serving children from infancy up to kindergarten entry year-round. We are a dependable, essential community asset, offering programs

and resources for families that extend beyond the classroom. St. Michael’s is dedicated to building strong foundations for all children in the first five years of life and to supporting families as their educational journey begins. We foster a safe, nurturing, inclusive environment and seek the highest standards in our practice, curriculum, and professionals. We are committed to the community we serve and believe a sense of community is a core strength for children, families, and educators.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$30 helps St. Michael’s provide fresh, nutritious meals daily for one month for one child.

$65 covers the average cost of quality early care and education for one child at St. Michael’s for one day.

$100 will purchase new educational toys for an Infant or Pre-School classroom.

Charity Type: Children, Community, Education


Description: SBM serves people who are hungry, homeless, and hurting in three different ways: 1. Providing walk-in, emergency overnight shelter for men, women, and women with children who are homeless; 2. Leading men, women, and women with children from homelessness and hunger to a life of purpose and self-reliance through residential program, New Life Program (NLP); 3. Meeting the everyday needs through community meals, food boxes, seasonal outreach activities, and free or low-cost clothing and household goods.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

SBM provides homeless men, women, and women with children with emergency, walk-in shelter 7 days a week. Just $2.83 is all it costs to provide a nutritious meal for an individual including those served in our overnight shelter, residential programs, or through our food box distribution program. Our residential program are designed for men and women ready to step out of homelessness and work on the root causes to their circumstances and rebuild their lives with employment, education, and supportive relationships to renter the community as healthy and productive citizens.  In 2023, SBM provided 62,566 nights of safe shelter and 362,375 nutritious meals to people who are hungry and homeless. SBM welcomes the community to come for a tour, volunteer, or support what we do.

Charity Type: Community, Health, Homelessness, Social Services       


Description: Answering the dreams of chronically ill, seriously ill, physically challenged and abused children, ages three to eighteen, whose families are unable to fulfill their requests due to the financial strain the child’s illness may cause.  Dreams are answered for children from Delaware and throughout the United States.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 a month can help purchase computers, swing sets, swimming pools

$10 per month can help fund a shopping spree

$25 per month can help fund a Dream Trip

Charity Type: Children, Disability Services       


Description: Supporting Kidds was established as a non-profit organization in 1989, and its mission is to provide a compassionate pathway lo healing for grieving children and their families, and to empower the community to support them in the grieving process. We believe when provided with support and information, grieving children and their families can embrace their own capacities to heal.

Our target population includes grieving children of all racial, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds, ages 5-18 in DE, who are at risk for complicated grief reactions due to a limited capacity of family and community support. Kidds has 2 core programs–Healing Pathways-support groups and Guiding Pathways-individual therapy. Our core programs allow us to accomplish 3 things: (1) to Intervene to reduce the current suffering of grieving children and their families/caregivers; (2) to prevent development of behavioral and emotional problems that are associated with unresolved grief; (3) lo empower the community to support children and their families in the grieving process.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 provides Survival Kits to families in the community

$50 provides fidgets, snack, and art supplies for art & grief groups

$75 provides educational and activity materials for our 6-week grief support group at our Center and in Schools

$100 provides one 45-minute individual counseling session for a child

Charity Type:Arts & Culture, Children, Community, Education, Health, Law Enforcement & Their Families, Military & Their Families, Social Services, Youth Development


Description: SOAR is a local Delaware non-profit organization dedicated to providing professional mental health services to victims of sexual trauma and their families regardless of their ability to pay. SOAR provides services for children and adults throughout the state. A leader in the field, SOAR also provides education, advocacy, and professional development.  SOAR’s recovery services include individual, family, and group psychotherapy services designed to help victims of all ages recover from the sex crimes that have been committed against them.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Your generous donation goes directly to pay for quality trauma mental health services for survivors of sexual abuse.

$100 donation pays for one 60-minute session for one survivor

Charity Type: Health, Social Services       


Description: The Crisis House provides emergency shelter to men and women for up to 120 days. This time frame has increased from previous years due to the lack of affordable rentals and housing in Sussex County and surrounding areas.

We serve three meals a day, provide case management, referrals for employment, healthcare, mental health and addiction treatment services and permanent housing opportunities.

When a client successfully transitions out of the Crisis House, they have a job, a bank account and their own living arrangements. We help people go from homelessness to self-reliance.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Youi can provide one person with shelter, case management services, and three healthy meals a day for a $20 donation.

Charity Type: Community, Health, Homelessness, Senior Services, Social Services, Veteran Services     


Description: Seeking to put God’s love into action, Sussex County Habitat for Humanity (SCHFH) brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. We envision a world where everyone has a decent place to live, and we work to make this possible by: (1) building or rehabilitating and selling affordable homes to families, couples and individuals in need, (2) offering free home repairs, accessibility modifications and energy efficiency upgrades to low-income households, and (3) providing free financial literacy coaching, workshops, and referrals to help local residents budget, save, and reduce debt. With an eye towards systemic change, SCHFH also advocates at the local and federal level to increase access to safe, decent and affordable housing.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 can provide hammers to help build a home

$50 can provide 2,500 framing nails to help build a home

$100 can provide hard hats for a 10-person crew

Charity Type: Community, Economic Development, Health, Homelessness, Housing    

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Description: Since 1976, Delaware citizens have trusted Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research to help native wild birds. For these birds, found ill, injured, orphaned, or oiled, our professional staff and network of trained volunteers provide their best, if not only, chance for a healthy return to life in the wild. Tri-State is the only licensed rehabilitation facility for wild native birds on the Delmarva Peninsula. Each year, our Wild Bird Clinic cares for nearly 3,500 native wild birds brought to us by members of the community. There is no cost to the people who bring birds in for treatment. Our Oiled Wildlife Response Team is one of just a handful of organizations in the United States that can manage an oiled wildlife response effort. Our professional team is ready 24/7/365 to join, lead, or assess a response situation. We also work to educate the public about how they can help reduce injuries to birds and other wildlife, and we provide community members with volunteer opportunities ranging from bird care to facilities maintenance to hotline operators and office work.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 provides antibiotics for a baby bird.

$20 provides a pack of medical dressings to help a bird heal from wounds.

$30 provides a meal for a Bald Eagle.

$50 provides medicine for an injured songbird.

$125 provides care for a recovering oiled patient

Charity Type: Animals, Environment       

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Description: USO Delaware also supports military members and their families who are stationed on Dover Air Force Base, as well as the Delaware National Guard, United States Naval Reserve, United States Marine Corps Reserve and the United States Coast Guard who are stationed throughout the entire state of Delaware.

USO Delaware programs strengthen service members, morale and the family orientated programs allow comfort, refreshments, snacks, Wi-Fi access and computers. USO Delaware’s Families of the Fallen works 24/7 to coordinate support and comfort these families as they travel to and from Dover for the Dignified Transfer of their loved one.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 contribution when combined could provide lunch, coffee, snacks, personal hygiene and a card for our military heroes

$50 will provide a unit a bunch of pizzas, etc. to support a commanders call or promotion ceremony

Charity Type: Community, Military & Their Families, Families of the Fallen  


Description: United Way of Delaware wants to improve life for everyone in the State of Delaware. We unite people, organizations & resources to fight issues caused by long-standing inequity. This is accomplished through our Grade Level Reading, Career and College Success, Financial Empowerment and Racial Equity and Social Justice programs.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$5 a pay period provides a provides a home library for a third grader in one of Delaware’s eight promise communities.

$10 a pay period provides help for after-school care for a child

$20 a pay period can feed a family for a week

Charity Type: Children, Community, Economic Development, Education, Health, Senior Services, Social Services, Youth Development    


Description: UrbanPromise provides after-school programs for youth September thru May and free 6-week summer camps, serving children ages 5-13. Our StreetLeader® Job Training Program provides job training, leadership development, tutoring, and mentoring to teens year-round. We operate UrbanPromise School, providing high quality subsidized education to children grades PreK-7. UrbanPromise Academy offers individualized high school instruction to students struggling in a traditional academic setting. As enrollment enables, we also incorporate 8th grade classes into the Academy, as well. We also offer sports leagues and UrbanTrekkers (an outdoor engagement program).

Children and their families in Wilmington struggle under an academic system that fails them. At UrbanPromise, we step in to wholistically improve the lives and opportunities of those we serve. We pour into every person with individualized care considering their social, financial, mental barriers between them and fullness of life. In each of our program areas we strive to respond to the greatest needs of our community in a way that builds generational prosperity and hope. UrbanPromise uniquely serves Wilmington with long-term committed staff who pursue peace for each child and student they serve by providing them haven, novel experiences, fun and personal growth opportunities.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Contributions from the SECC could provide all of (but not limited to) the following services:

– $150 pays one StreetLeader for a week of work during Summer Camp

– $500 buys snacks for children throughout all Summer Camps

– $1000 provides the After School Programs with supplies for the year

– $300 rents a bus for Field Trips for the UrbanPromise School and Academy students

– $500 purchases basketball uniforms for our Academy

Charity Type: Children, Education, Law Enforcement & Their Families, Youth Development        

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Description: The Way Home (TWH) works with formerly incarcerated citizens — individuals that most of society considers to be the “throw – aways” of the community. Too frequently, these individuals lead lives in the shadows of mainstream America, with no real voice or direction. The Way Home helps reentrants regain their own voice and vision. Our case managers meet returning citizens at either the gate or the office door and stabilize them, transitioning them back into the community by providing them with basic necessities of toiletries and clothes, securing housing and providing direct transportation or bus passes. Once stabilized, TWH facilitates workforce development skills, networks for job placements, conducts group sessions and arranges for cognitive behavior therapy. TWH instills a sense of hope that shattered lives can be restructured into meaningful ones.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Although returning citizens face daunting barriers and obstacles, your support can provide dignity, a fair opportunity, and the belief that all individuals deserve to find their way home.

$10 – can provide basic necessities, dignity bags, bus passes

$25 – can provide access to computers to job hunt, create resumes and enhance educational skills; purchase a bicycle for transportation

$50 – Walmart gift cards, security deposits for housing, tools and equipment for work

$700 a month’s rent

$1,000 security deposit for housing

Charity Type: Community, Social Services, Reentry     

Website: /

Description: West End Neighborhood House provides comprehensive services including: financial and case management; emergency assistance, GED instruction and employment training (including in agriculture/horticulture and environmental remediation), youth development (including for former foster care youth, some of whom are disabled) transitional and affordable housing, as well as community revitalization activities such as park and greenspace creation/improvement. Approximately 90% of customers qualify as low-income and include those formerly involved with the juvenile justice system. All services contribute to customers’ self-sufficiency by helping them advance their education through obtaining a GED or post-secondary education; reducing debt; increasing income and savings, identifying, and pursuing a career path, improving credit scores & obtaining safe, affordable, and sustainable housing.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$25 covers meet registration fees for two West End track team members to compete

$50 provides seven meals for an entire family

$100 purchases seeds to grow lettuce and greens for West End’s farmers’ market for an entire season

$500 funds GED instruction for three customers to advance a grade level $1,000 supports a year of financial coaching for three customers

Charity Type: Children, Community, Economic Development, Education, Employment & Training Resources, Health, Homelessness, Social Services, Youth Development 


Description: The White Clay Wild and Scenic River Program promotes and supports the preservation, protection, restoration, and enhancement of natural and cultural resources of the White Clay Creek Watershed, in addition to encouraging a balance of recreational enjoyment. Specifically, we work to improve and conserve water quality and quantity; conserve open space, woodlands, wetlands and geologic features; protect native plant and animal species; preserve cultural, historical and archaeological sites, enhance outdoor recreation opportunities, and encourage environmental education and watershed awareness. We are bistate watershed, but all funding received from the DE SECC goes towards supporting our initiatives in the Delaware portion of the watershed.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$10 can provide for the purchase of one native tree seedling, protective tree tube and stake

$10 can provide one student with an environmental education field trip

$80 can provide for the purchase of a flat of 50 native plants

$20 can provide one laboratory analysis of a water quality parameter

Charity Type: Community, Education, Environment      


Description: WHYY is the Delaware Valley’s leading public media provider, offering news, information, and entertainment on all things Delaware via radio, television, the Web, community outreach, and other cultural and educational services for Delaware residents. WHYY is proud to report on the important stories relevant to the First State, with our Wilmington based newsroom dedicated to producing multimedia news and specials for and about issues important to Delawareans.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

Contributions support the production and delivery of local and national programming to Delaware residents. In 2022, WHYY produced more than 320 Delaware-centric stories on the Web, had 9 Delaware highlights in our You Oughta Know production, and offered more than 300 multimedia treatments on stories happening within Delaware.

In addition to our news and entertainment offerings, WHYY has educational initiatives running in Delaware. WHYY Little Libraries works with community hubs to make free and age-appropriate books accessible to local children to take and enjoy with family and friends. In 2022 and 2023, WHYY collaborated with Eastside Charter School in Wilmington, Delaware to set up a WHYY Little Library, and to supply books for the communities’ children. WHYY Little Libraries also holds read aloud events, where kids get to participate in activities, and hear fun stories. In addition to Little Libraries, WHYY engages teachers and students in Delaware through our Learning at Home initiative, which brings the classroom to students through curated programming during the school year, with content created by actual teachers in the Delaware Valley.

Charity Type: Arts & Culture, Education, News

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Description: YWCA Delaware is eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. We support Delawareans through housing for the homeless, sexual assault recovery, domestic violence services, financial coaching, workforce readiness, racial and social justice education, and youth development. For 125 years, we have provided the real services, need by real women, in real time. Your support will help us make real progress for society and especially the people we serve.

Examples of services and/or resources this organization can provide with your contribution: 

$20 covers one pack of simple bath, hand, and face towels to provide each member of each new family with a sanitary living space while they stay at HLMC and work to leave homelessness behind.

$30 covers one hour of domestic violence counseling for a survivor who has fled an abuser.

$40 covers one day of intensive training for a Sexual Assault Response Advocate

$50 covers one night of safe shelter with food, health and wellness services, trauma crisis care, and guidance from our expert case managers.

$60 covers one holiday shift from a Sexual Assault Response Advocate accompanying a survivor to the hospital for testing and treatment.

$250 helps an individual improve their financial literacy

$275 covers the cost of feeding a child transitioning out of homelessness, two meals and a nutritious snack, every day, during their stay at the Home-Life Management Center emergency shelter.

Charity Type: Children, Community, Economic Development, Employment & Training Resources, Health, Homelessness, Social Services, Youth Development, Racial and Social Justice

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