State Employees'
Charitable Campaign (SECC)

Steering Committee

Per section 3 of Executive Order 22, the Steering Committee shall consist of 7 members. The Secretary of the Department of Human Resources who shall serve as Chair, the Secretary of the Department of Finance, and 5 employee members appointed by the Governor. The 5 employees members shall include, but are not limited to: 1 representative of the Office of the Governor, 1 representative of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, and 3 employee members to include one from each County of the state, one of whom is represented by one of the unions under which the employees of the State or organized. Member serving by virtue of position may appoint a designee to serve in their stead and at their pleasure. Governor appointed members shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

  1. Yvonne Gordon, Secretary of the Delaware Department of Human Resources and SECC Chairperson
  2. Rick Geisenberger, Secretary of the Department of Finance
    • Bobbi DiVirgilio, Designee from the Department of Finance
  3. Sherine White, Representative of the Office of the Governor
  4. Jennifer Rini, Representative of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor
  5. Sgt. Chanel Daniels & Dee Oruska, (New Castle County; represented by one of the unions under which employees of the State are organized)
  6. Jamie Young, Department of Correction (Kent County)
  7. Stacey Bragg, Department of Labor (Sussex County)

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